You’ll save a lot more time talking to someone who is already successful than figuring out on your own. If you want to earn millions, talk to a millionaire. Or do it alone and be successful after 70 years.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, advised that if you want to build big businesses, it’s best to have a mentor. He was so confident in creating corporations because he has Rich Dad to guide him. If you do not have one, think it over as many times as you can if you really want to do it or else just build a strong asset foundation.
Most people after reading business books do not know where to start. It really sucks when you are so inspired and you just don’t know what to do. You write some plans then look for potential business partners who, you hope, would be interested and be really passionate to learn about business. Good luck if you can find one within your officemates. Most of the time, they are comfortable with their work.
Most people say they want to do it on their own. They want to start things that they really worked hard on and it came from their original brilliant idea. They just couldn’t swallow their pride and wants to prove they are the smartest person in the world.
There is nothing wrong with doing it on your own, except for one thing, why waste your precious time thinking and working hard when you can find someone successful to guide you and save some time. And even if you have a business mentor, believe me, you WILL still be going to do it on your own. You will never learn to walk unless you do it on your own but the learning process would be faster and easier if you have someone to assist you.
You are going to lose 2 to 3 companies before you will be successful. If you have a business mentor, you may lose nothing or just 1 company and skyrocket. If you got no one, the 2 to 3 possibility could go from 3-6.
There are a lot of young millionaires today because of fast access to information. If you are not a millionaire by the age of 30, you better think and ask yourself what you are missing out. You can read all the information in books and the internet then apply it but if you couple it with having someone to guide you who is already successful, you can speed up and shorten the pain to your success.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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I started to blog with the intention of inspiring people to start their own business. I continued to blog to share thoughts that may help people shape their financial future better. Because I experienced the beauty of being a leader, I began to aspire of teaching it to more people. I continue to strive motivating people to become better leaders and investors. (You can add/message me in facebook:
April 27, 2009
April 23, 2009
Attitudes of Broke People
It’s so bad it affects their financial results. Always check your attitude. It can make or break your performance in playing the money game.
Ever wonder why the two richest men in the world are best of friends? It’s simply because they understand how each other feels and they love being with highly energetic and positive attitudes. Emotions are contagious. Therefore, if you want to be happy most of the time, be with people who always smiles.
Our attitude regarding money and rich people affects how we earn money. Ridiculous as it sounds, check your finances and if you are not satisfied by it, let me guess, notice you are complaining every 45 minutes everyday?
Every millionaire sees the possibility of huge success. I’ve never heard of a millionaire saying when he was starting out he thinks he’ll never be rich. Rich men know a human being has the capacity to do great things. Broke people thinks they are only for ordinary stuff, or worse, mediocrity.
Broke people settle for less. And that is why it’s all that they get. I know you are a human being. Rich people are. If they can, so are you. You are not from Mars, therefore, what do you settle for?
Be conscious of your mood and attitude. Looking at the bright side is not a bad thing. The problem is what you do after you see the bright side. Are you going to do anything about it? For example, you are not satisfied of your paycheck. The good news is you can do something about it. You can quit and look for another job. Or you can simplify and live below your means. But those options are settling for mediocrity. You are a human being. You can be the richest man in the world. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are not aliens from Mars. Therefore, a good option would be to increase your financial IQ and be with people with like mindset. And eventually, instead of climbing the corporate ladder, you can own one. DON’T EVER THINK YOU CAN’T BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT AN ALIEN!
Everyone has the capacity to win big. It’s their attitude and self-doubt that are stopping them. It’s a great thing there are a lot of initiatives being done all over the world that teaches not only knowledge about money but also intensive trainings of mindset and personal development. Not only you can gain control of your finances but also be happy and positively contagious to others that can also inspire them to do great things.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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Ever wonder why the two richest men in the world are best of friends? It’s simply because they understand how each other feels and they love being with highly energetic and positive attitudes. Emotions are contagious. Therefore, if you want to be happy most of the time, be with people who always smiles.
Our attitude regarding money and rich people affects how we earn money. Ridiculous as it sounds, check your finances and if you are not satisfied by it, let me guess, notice you are complaining every 45 minutes everyday?
Every millionaire sees the possibility of huge success. I’ve never heard of a millionaire saying when he was starting out he thinks he’ll never be rich. Rich men know a human being has the capacity to do great things. Broke people thinks they are only for ordinary stuff, or worse, mediocrity.
Broke people settle for less. And that is why it’s all that they get. I know you are a human being. Rich people are. If they can, so are you. You are not from Mars, therefore, what do you settle for?
Be conscious of your mood and attitude. Looking at the bright side is not a bad thing. The problem is what you do after you see the bright side. Are you going to do anything about it? For example, you are not satisfied of your paycheck. The good news is you can do something about it. You can quit and look for another job. Or you can simplify and live below your means. But those options are settling for mediocrity. You are a human being. You can be the richest man in the world. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are not aliens from Mars. Therefore, a good option would be to increase your financial IQ and be with people with like mindset. And eventually, instead of climbing the corporate ladder, you can own one. DON’T EVER THINK YOU CAN’T BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT AN ALIEN!
Everyone has the capacity to win big. It’s their attitude and self-doubt that are stopping them. It’s a great thing there are a lot of initiatives being done all over the world that teaches not only knowledge about money but also intensive trainings of mindset and personal development. Not only you can gain control of your finances but also be happy and positively contagious to others that can also inspire them to do great things.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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April 18, 2009
The Capacity to Reach Out
Holding on to your paycheck won’t fulfill your dreams of helping the needy. It’s to learn business and become successful that would give you the capacity to reach out.
I noticed people have burning desires to help others. If not to other people, they are so desperate to change the lives of their families. What is stopping them is they do not have enough support in finances or they do not know how to create it. I realized it when I became a professional. The only way I can see is to have a lot of money.
My life became boring and boring every single day. Working just for myself didn’t give me a sense of fulfillment. I can also hear my officemates saying their lives doesn’t seem to have direction.
In some occasions, I would wonder how it is to make a difference to others. Seeing the Philippines become a prosperous country and I contributed to it so much would be really great. It doesn’t matter if people would know if I did it. What matters is I no longer see anyone begging.
I’m so grateful I finally found the path to that fulfillment. I am now doing what I love to do. I am teaching and empowering people become independent and share to others what they learned. I get to communicate with a lot of people and I grow every single day. Business Community g ve me the opportunity to live the life I have always wanted to be. Even if I am not financially successful, I am already contributing a lot to others.
Start today and take action in making a difference. Time is so precious every second counts. If you also love empowering people, join us in Create Abundance Business Community. Contact Mr. Ludwig Mark Rosete at 0915.4928.572/0923.5062.382 for details.
Thank you.
Create Abundance Team
I noticed people have burning desires to help others. If not to other people, they are so desperate to change the lives of their families. What is stopping them is they do not have enough support in finances or they do not know how to create it. I realized it when I became a professional. The only way I can see is to have a lot of money.
My life became boring and boring every single day. Working just for myself didn’t give me a sense of fulfillment. I can also hear my officemates saying their lives doesn’t seem to have direction.
In some occasions, I would wonder how it is to make a difference to others. Seeing the Philippines become a prosperous country and I contributed to it so much would be really great. It doesn’t matter if people would know if I did it. What matters is I no longer see anyone begging.
I’m so grateful I finally found the path to that fulfillment. I am now doing what I love to do. I am teaching and empowering people become independent and share to others what they learned. I get to communicate with a lot of people and I grow every single day. Business Community g ve me the opportunity to live the life I have always wanted to be. Even if I am not financially successful, I am already contributing a lot to others.
Start today and take action in making a difference. Time is so precious every second counts. If you also love empowering people, join us in Create Abundance Business Community. Contact Mr. Ludwig Mark Rosete at 0915.4928.572/0923.5062.382 for details.
Thank you.
Create Abundance Team
April 12, 2009
Savings don’t go beyond Php 10,000
Because you are willing to reward yourself today and jeopardize your future. Besides, if you think the solution is saving money, you are in big trouble.
How come every time you get more than 10,000, you get to spend the excess. And sometimes, all of your savings. It is so hard you even work in your day-off for 16 hours and you still don’t have some savings. Where am I getting into? Is there a way to have more savings? Sometimes you would ask yourself those questions.
You just wait for your bonuses and you have savings again. But having gadgets would really be cool and would really satisfy you. Therefore, you spend your savings again.
Then someone told you how to manage money. You separate your paycheck in specific purposes. Then you learned about passive income. You started to apply what you learned.
You are so grateful you knew about these things. Good thing you knew that focusing on savings won’t get you no where. You started building multiple passive income streams.
Then your passive income exceed your monthly expenses! You are finally financially free! You are investing in the investments of the rich. You are travelling the world. You met Donald Trump and Warren Buffett for lunch. What a great life!
Even if you have 1,000,000 savings, you still would not stop working. You will still work until you are 75 years of age. In Create Abundance Business Community, you will be exclusively coached how to build multiple passive income streams. You will no longer worry about saving money. You will be managing your money and there would come a time that it wouldn’t be significant anymore.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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How come every time you get more than 10,000, you get to spend the excess. And sometimes, all of your savings. It is so hard you even work in your day-off for 16 hours and you still don’t have some savings. Where am I getting into? Is there a way to have more savings? Sometimes you would ask yourself those questions.
You just wait for your bonuses and you have savings again. But having gadgets would really be cool and would really satisfy you. Therefore, you spend your savings again.
"Saving money are for losers and you don’t want to be one."
Then someone told you how to manage money. You separate your paycheck in specific purposes. Then you learned about passive income. You started to apply what you learned.
You are so grateful you knew about these things. Good thing you knew that focusing on savings won’t get you no where. You started building multiple passive income streams.
Then your passive income exceed your monthly expenses! You are finally financially free! You are investing in the investments of the rich. You are travelling the world. You met Donald Trump and Warren Buffett for lunch. What a great life!
Even if you have 1,000,000 savings, you still would not stop working. You will still work until you are 75 years of age. In Create Abundance Business Community, you will be exclusively coached how to build multiple passive income streams. You will no longer worry about saving money. You will be managing your money and there would come a time that it wouldn’t be significant anymore.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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April 8, 2009
How You Matter
At least one has breathed easily because you were born and you made a difference to him/her. That is one thing I learned in my philosophy subjects. You can matter if someone told you how grateful he/she is you came to his/her life.
You will make a difference to at least 1,000 lives. When you were a graduating student, you've always wanted to reach out to people. Your Theo professor once said,"You should be mindful who you are rendering your services. At the end of the day, what matters is what you do to your needy brothers and sisters. You should have a bleeding heart for the poor." You decided you would teach children become academically excellent so they can be professionals and never be hungry anymore.
You realized you were wrong. You became a professional and you worked in a prestigious company but you couldn't reach out to the needy. It sucks being comfortable but you can see people who are desperately in need.
What can you do? You earn only as much as you could eat and have fun. You could not give a scholarship to at least one child. You do not have time to teach. You need to extend your work so you can have more. You can never fulfill what you learned back in college.
Your friends are losers. They love going to resorts, drinking and laughing, sharing stories how one of our co-leagues look stupid. They complain about our bosses and other lazy superiors. They definitely enjoy buying the latest gadgets, PSP's, iPhones, laptops and so much more. They didn't make a difference to at least one.
In some twist of faith, you thought of buying a small book. You accidentally saw a black book and got intrigued at it. The title was WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki want you to be rich so you can be part of the solution and not the problem. You realized another planet exists. The planet of the business world. You committed to reach to that world and become successful. Then you can only reach out to a lot of people and teach them to be successful, too! Perfect!
You focused on your success. You persisted to learn and become successful. You encountered business community and pursue to be part of the core team. You were exclusively mentored by business coaches and you reached your 1st Php 1 Million.
Money is no longer significant. Finally, you can reach out to more than 1,ooo people. Finally, more than one told you how grateful they are because of you. A lot of people has breathed easily because you were born and became a winner!
You became the person you always wanted to be. That was my story and the story I wanted will be. Create Abundance Business Community is a blessing to my life. This is the place I can reach out to the needy. I may have not yet hit being financially free but I am living the life I always wanted to be. A good friend told me,"Thank you so much. You made a difference in our lives. You gave us hope and a chance to be a great contribution to others."
Everyone is a brick. You don't matter unless you are strong enough and be part of a foundation. If you couldn't find avenues or ways to have a fruitful life, we invite you to attend our programs for this month. This month can be a turning point for a very fulfilling life.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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You will make a difference to at least 1,000 lives. When you were a graduating student, you've always wanted to reach out to people. Your Theo professor once said,"You should be mindful who you are rendering your services. At the end of the day, what matters is what you do to your needy brothers and sisters. You should have a bleeding heart for the poor." You decided you would teach children become academically excellent so they can be professionals and never be hungry anymore.
You realized you were wrong. You became a professional and you worked in a prestigious company but you couldn't reach out to the needy. It sucks being comfortable but you can see people who are desperately in need.
What can you do? You earn only as much as you could eat and have fun. You could not give a scholarship to at least one child. You do not have time to teach. You need to extend your work so you can have more. You can never fulfill what you learned back in college.
Your friends are losers. They love going to resorts, drinking and laughing, sharing stories how one of our co-leagues look stupid. They complain about our bosses and other lazy superiors. They definitely enjoy buying the latest gadgets, PSP's, iPhones, laptops and so much more. They didn't make a difference to at least one.
In some twist of faith, you thought of buying a small book. You accidentally saw a black book and got intrigued at it. The title was WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki want you to be rich so you can be part of the solution and not the problem. You realized another planet exists. The planet of the business world. You committed to reach to that world and become successful. Then you can only reach out to a lot of people and teach them to be successful, too! Perfect!
You focused on your success. You persisted to learn and become successful. You encountered business community and pursue to be part of the core team. You were exclusively mentored by business coaches and you reached your 1st Php 1 Million.
Money is no longer significant. Finally, you can reach out to more than 1,ooo people. Finally, more than one told you how grateful they are because of you. A lot of people has breathed easily because you were born and became a winner!
You became the person you always wanted to be. That was my story and the story I wanted will be. Create Abundance Business Community is a blessing to my life. This is the place I can reach out to the needy. I may have not yet hit being financially free but I am living the life I always wanted to be. A good friend told me,"Thank you so much. You made a difference in our lives. You gave us hope and a chance to be a great contribution to others."
Everyone is a brick. You don't matter unless you are strong enough and be part of a foundation. If you couldn't find avenues or ways to have a fruitful life, we invite you to attend our programs for this month. This month can be a turning point for a very fulfilling life.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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