November 17, 2009

Ordinary History

One of the things I learned in college philosophy was that humans are historical beings. It means that everyone of us makes or is part of history. It may be written in books or not but still we create it.

Most people think they are ordinary. That is why they do not take the initiative to bring great changes. Most people do not know that because they are humans they have the ability to make astonishing histories. Most of them just make ordinary history. What people from the past did, even if they are not written, are part of history. History written in books are just documented histories.

The historicity of a human being is a form of power. And because of that, even if I'm not written in books, I'll make my history extraordinary. A massive history that would bring change in the country and the world.

If you want to create your own extraordinary history, you can check out:

WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Ludwig Rosete)

November 10, 2009

Employees Trying Business

It's great some people nowadays go into business when they have extra money. That's a good start. The art of initiating is great but the art of getting things finished is greater. Here's a short story that illustrates it. Some of you might have heard similar incidents.

....Two employees in a bus talking about the "business" they had with their office mates. In that endeavor, there were 10 of them who invested. It was a LUGAWAN. Some of them gave time to be employees in their "business." Then one said it isn't fair since some people invested same amount but didn't help in the dirty work. The second agreed and that they should've talked about it in the group before it was closed down. Then they talked about one person - also their partner in the LUGAWAN - who invested php 40,000 in the LUGAWAN and now invested another big amount in BARBECUE "business." They pity him since he had the biggest share and all that he said,"It's fine. Let's charge it to experience." 40,000 is a big amount for experience, one said. The BARBECUE endeavor seem to have no future either, break even and sometimes negative cashflow....

Sounds familiar? You must have heard similar stories once in your life. Now, why "business" and not simply business? "Business" means small business or self-employed. Business gives you passive income and even if you leave it for a year, it is still earning and the sweetest part is that it is expanding on it's own. If you have read Rich Dad Poor Dad, that is the definition of business. That is why, the writer quoted "business" since it is not really the context of business for big businessmen or rich people. Think how can a LUGAWAN or BARBECUE become a real business. It is possible. If you think business and not "business."

Business SYSTEMS is the key. Do you notice the systems in some establishments that you made transactions before? How about in the restaurants? How about in the Malls? As you can see, big businessmen do not think much of the product. They focus on creating business systems.

We have to commend the employees above. Especially the 40,000 guy charge to experience. Do you know that millions and thousands are lost by big businessmen before their next businesses skyrocketed? What did the 40,000 guy learned? Or was he just satisfied he had an experience with business and didn't ponder deeper what he is missing? Let's pray he will really learn in his BARBECUE "business." Now, you're asking. How can you start business and be successful and not just do "business"? Learn how to create business systems or find existing ones that you can use.

The idea is having a system. But there is more than just thinking and looking for one. If you want to learn more about real business, you can sign-up in our free website:

Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE(Warren Buffett Friendster Fan Moderator) in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020 question. Answer all questions completely for faster approval. Approval may take days. And when it is approved, you can reserve seats to attend our public programs. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending.

For your joy and success!

EVENTS: Fundamentals in Business Success for November


There are many ways to succeed in business. Only when you become the right person can you find YOUR WAY to success.

WHAT: Wealth Course(3 modules, 1 module per day)


Monday and Tuesday at Ortigas
Wednesday and Thursday at Makati
3-6 pm - 1st Batch
6-9 pm - 2nd Batch

FEE: Php 150.00 (For Food)

CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE)

For Reservation:

(Approval of profile in is required)
Full Name
Date & Time to attend
Intention for attending

Module 1: AWARENESS to what comprises success
-Learn habits to have more focus and discipline
-What specific income the rich are looking for
-Raise your money thermostat: Thousands to Millions
-Basic Money Management
(You will be given tasks before proceding to the next module)

Module 2: UNDERSTANDING why rich people starts within
-Your Inner and Outer World
-Discover what holds you back and moves you forward
-Discover what you really want in life
(You will be given tasks before proceding to the next module)

Module 3: RECONDITIONING your beliefs and habits for success
-Discover why you want to be rich
-Raise your EQ(Emotional Quotient)
-How to take action
(Congratulations! You have completed the course!)

This is part of MISSION of CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY in spreading financial literacy throughout the nation. You can assist us in our mission by forwarding this message to your friends and family. This is also the introduction for the intensive business training.

November 7, 2009



1. Reason Greater than Reality
As what Robert Kiyosaki said in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad that you need a big reason to be rich. If you have bigger dreams than just buying a new laptop or new gadget, you will really endure the rigorous journey to business success.

2. Business Mentor
If you want to earn 50,000 per month, talk to a person who does. If you want millions, talk to a millionaire.

3. Winning Business Team
There is strength in numbers. Do not be a noble self-employed who thinks he is the best. You need the best people in your team to succeed.

There are a lot more that you need to be really achieve success in a shorter period of time. But it's best to start right with the basics. You can learn more when you visit and sign-up to our free website


Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.(Answer all questions completely for faster approval.)

For your joy and success!


There are many ways to succeed in business. Only when you become the right person can you find YOUR WAY to success.

WHAT: Wealth Course


Nov 16,17,23,24 Monday and Tuesday at Ortigas
Nov 18,19,25,26 Wednesday and Thursday at Makati
3-6 pm - 1st Batch
6-9 pm - 2nd Batch

FEE: Php 150.00 (For Food)

CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE)

For Reservation:

Send message with:
Full Name
Date & Time to attend
Intention for attending

November 2, 2009

When The Leader Awakens