September 29, 2008

New Hope

I remember my college professor, a jesuit, was so relieved that Erap was ousted and Gloria was appointed. He said,"God is still with us...blah blah..." I was also relieved and grateful someone intelligent was to sit on the presidency.

And now everyone is complaining about Gloria. I lose hope that the next president will ever solve the problem. And it was more strengthened when I read the books Rich dad and about Donald Trump. There is no hope if we depend our future to our president. It's better to help ourselves the way entrepreneurs help themselves.

This is my new hope. To be rich and help other people become rich.

September 27, 2008

The Power of Words

The words that you use will be your future. The first thing that I always say to myself is "How can I afford it?" I never say "I can't afford it." It is one of the things I learned from Robert Kiyosaki. Rich dad always remind them never to say those words. He forbid them to say it.

I focus to be conscious to what I am telling to myself. I always think that whatever I tell myself, it will be my future. So, whenever I encounter myself saying negative, I focus to change it and I go on to what I am working on.

Cashflow Quadrant

This is the 2nd book I bought. It talks about the different core values of people regarding money-employee, self-employed, business, investor. And also the different levels of investors.

What really got to me in this book is the power of words. Just by listening to the words a person says you will know what are his core values regarding money. You will know which source of income he mostly earns.

It's a great book to learn about money and setting your mind which quadrant you want to be in the long run.

September 22, 2008

Finally found my purpose in life

I've always wondered how I can contribute to my country. Back in my college days, I always have a bleeding heart for the poor. It was what my Theology professor reminds us always. And that also, when we graduate, we may find a job here or abroad but we should always think who we really are serving.

When I got here in Manila, I went to a protestant church. Although I am Catholic, my father taught me that it was good to go to other churches to observe and respect how
they pray. My experience in this certain church was incredible. We had an activity wherein I realized that once I wanted to really make a difference in my country. I also realized that I'm not the only one who has this endeavor. But if only it was that easy to make a difference.

It still didn't get me anywhere. I thought I could find ways in that community to execute my endeavors. Not until I bought my first business book. That book was so precious to me. Although I treasure a lot of my books but it was the most sentimental and meaningful for me. The book was "Why we want you to be rich." I learned a lot in that book about being rich and being part of the solution in the near future to fight poverty instead of being part of the problem.

I always hear my father say,"Don't give them fish. Teach them how to fish instead." My father was a teacher. He teaches Physics most recently but he did taught other subjects before. He was fanatic that laboratory experiments shows or are internalized more by students than just simple lecture. He would say,"Experience is the best teacher." Those lines really got to me since I was a child.

I always wanted to teach people how to fish, not just give them fish. I found out that there was more in LEARNING HOW TO TEACH people how to fish. I found out that financial literacy is the solution. I'm dedicated to enhance my financial literacy and share it to people who are financially challenged. I didn't want to end up a teacher just as my parents did. I wanted to be a business man. Well, I am going to be one but there is still a part of me that is just like my parents-a teacher.

September 21, 2008

2010 President

Who do you want to be the next president? It would be another historical event this coming presidential elections.

Bayani is the first one I heard who is planning to be the president. He is an engineer. Former President Ramos is giving a hint that their bet is an engineer. Quite intriguing indeed.

Manny Villar is a really rich man and quite a business man. What possible things can a rich person do to our country.

Do you think Erap would run again?So much for the presidentiables. Who do you want to be the next leader of our country?

September 18, 2008

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich dad poor dad is the book I would recommend to be one of the basics of personal finance. The why we want you to be rich is also good for starters. What I love about the first book is the mental preparation for being rich. Also, it explains the importance of financial literacy, power of corporation and other business topics.

It starts with an introduction by the author explaining the differences between his rich dad and poor dad. He stresses the mental views and the words used by each dad. Both dads agrees that education is important but of different subjects especially concerning money.

He also stressed the financial habits of he middle class lacking financial literacy. Why they wonder they get so much in to debt. About the power of corporation, there are a lot of advantages of a corporation that an individual could not have especially on taxes.

This is a great book for starters. Preparing the mentality befor going to the how is very important. A great source of inspiration, too.

September 6, 2008

Wealthy Philippines

Wealthy Philippines is topic in my yahoo group. It talked that a lot of foreign investors own our resources and that we should be ashamed if we ever enter buildings in our country owned by foreigners. And also even if we are rich, we couldn't be much proud because we came from a poor country.

Hello people,

As much as I love this topic it really bothers me you guys talk a lot. If anyone of you have read Rich dad series books, you'll find a lot of answers to your problems-including our country's problems. All we want is to help people get out of poverty. We don't have much control in politics, but we can have a lot of control if we are businessmen. In business, we help ourselves and others while playing by the rules set by the government for BUSINESSES. Everyone of us knows that TAX LAWS for corporations is different from those for individuals or employees. And a lot of TAX ADVANTAGES are given to corporations and other businesses.

And about foreign investors taking advantage or owning our resources is not something to be concerned about. MONEY has no NATIONALITY. We should all be happy if they invest in our country because they are the once taking the RISKS, not us. Although, they do become richer but what do we LEARN here? These investors know how to MANAGE RISK. And it's because not much filipinos know how to do big businesses that's why not much filipinos own business in our own country.

The solution I see here is learning to manage risk or learn more about FINANCIAL LITERACY. POVERTY IS A FINANCIAL PROBLEM. And a financial problem should be solved with a financial solution.

Let's all grow up. And growing up means STOP DEPENDING ON OTHERS AND BE INDEPENDENT.


What do you have to say about this guys. Let's hear that steam in your head.