Wealthy Philippines is topic in my yahoo group. It talked that a lot of foreign investors own our resources and that we should be ashamed if we ever enter buildings in our country owned by foreigners. And also even if we are rich, we couldn't be much proud because we came from a poor country.
Hello people,
As much as I love this topic it really bothers me you guys talk a lot. If anyone of you have read Rich dad series books, you'll find a lot of answers to your problems-including our country's problems. All we want is to help people get out of poverty. We don't have much control in politics, but we can have a lot of control if we are businessmen. In business, we help ourselves and others while playing by the rules set by the government for BUSINESSES. Everyone of us knows that TAX LAWS for corporations is different from those for individuals or employees. And a lot of TAX ADVANTAGES are given to corporations and other businesses.
And about foreign investors taking advantage or owning our resources is not something to be concerned about. MONEY has no NATIONALITY. We should all be happy if they invest in our country because they are the once taking the RISKS, not us. Although, they do become richer but what do we LEARN here? These investors know how to MANAGE RISK. And it's because not much filipinos know how to do big businesses that's why not much filipinos own business in our own country.
The solution I see here is learning to manage risk or learn more about FINANCIAL LITERACY. POVERTY IS A FINANCIAL PROBLEM. And a financial problem should be solved with a financial solution.
Let's all grow up. And growing up means STOP DEPENDING ON OTHERS AND BE INDEPENDENT.
What do you have to say about this guys. Let's hear that steam in your head.
you should check out this site if u want to help promote financial literacy in our country:
I visited the site. I think it is a good idea to promote your site. I might avail your services someday.
Thanks for the comment.
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