August 24, 2008

Blaming as an Excuse

Time to stop blaming all on Arroyo is a post in one of my yahoo groups that really got my attention. And this is what I replied to it:

To stop blaming all on Arroyo is a really great idea. It's a great step to improving and helping our country.

Blaming others deprive us from growing. Doing so gives the person blamed the power to improve oneself. By first looking at ourselves, what things we are doing wrong and things we can do to make things right, we give ourselves the opportunity to be wiser.

If we make a mistake, then we blame others, we lose the potential to grow. Blaming is almost like an excuse. Instead of making excuses that we have a lot of problems because the government is corrupt, companies and capitalists are greedy, and our neighbors are luckier than us; we should think that we are missing something big time. What are those things that we are missing?

One of the things I discovered that I have been missing is taking financial literacy seriously. I realized no matter how highly educated a person is but lacks financial literacy, the chances that he wouldn't have problems later in his life is very slim. And we lack people who has such literacy. And these highly educated people would then depend on the government or company they work for. And thus contributing to the problem of our country.

I wanted to be part of the solution of the problems our country are facing and will be facing in the near future. And investing in my financial literacy is the way that I choose to be a part of it. I aim to spread it and do my best to win.


Reactions on this one would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever holds the responsibility is usually a person to be blamed when something goes wrong. S/he may be a leader, parent or driver. Blaming a person can challenge or demoralize him or her. I don't blame my mother because I love and understand her.