August 5, 2008

Why We Want You To Be Rich?

One day I just wanted to buy a book and I decided i buy a book about personal finance. I admire Donald Trump so much that is why when I saw the book "Why we want you to be rich" I didn't hesitate to buy it because aside from Donald, Robert Kiyosaki the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad was also the author. And so, this journey begins.

I think I got my entrepreneurial spirit from my mother. She started sellin avon when I was in High School. Although she's not much of a big time business woman but she does business naturally. People even say she's really born a businesswoman. Her parents were actually, also, businessmen. They had a major financial setback when my mother was about 8 years old (I guess). They still had the farm but it no longer generate adequate income. And so my mother ended up as an employee.

What I knew about my father's ancestral roots is they are also businessmen. But my grandparents was more of religious leaders. And so my father also ended up as an employee.

What really got me in the world of money is in networking or MLM. It really got to me that retirement plan isn't enough. I got into this when I had my first job. But eventually, I got tired of my team.

It got burning again when I bought the WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH book. What I want is fun and control. So if you don't want to miss the fun, get into the MONEY GAME!

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