August 2, 2008

Honest president or entrepreneur?

It still amazes me, a lot of people still think that a president can make a change to a country. If you are a citizen you better not count on anybody to take care of you-or your country. No single person can handle everything. If one person handles everything, he would eventually lose all the energy to go on.

Prosperity is measured by money. If there were no Tan, Ayala, Sy and other entrepreneurs, our country would still be struggling. Politicians just make the rules, entrepreneurs play by the rules. Yes a president can affect the business sector which supports the economy of the country. But businessmen are smarter than politicians. Politicians may have a lot of money but entrepreneurs get their money through blood and sweat-and even through helping a lot of people.

Therefore, if you want change, invest in yourself. Invest in your financial education and habits. We need a lot of entrepreneurs in our country so that fellow countrymen leaving us would lessen.

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