October 9, 2008

Don't work for Money

If you only see a world of PAYCHECK, you will not develop the sight of seeing opportunities. Seeing a world WITHOUT PAYCHECK enhances your creativity.

When the world was just starting to make technology, employment was in the form of slavery. Everyone tries to make a living in trade. Almost everyone are merchants. And I notice that almost all of our grandparents have businesses. It only means, before, people see a world without paycheck.

Do not be addicted to high paying jobs. You will only make your employer richer, not you.


Ludwig said...

I am employed but I am working for myself. Paycheck is the reward...


Ludwig said...

It's a matter of how you see or view things. If I work for myself but couldn't stop working until 65 years of age because I can't live without a paycheck, for me, and every businessman's view, that would be too ineffective to be working for myself. I work for myself today so I can do whatever matters to me- not a paycheck -in the near future. And I can have that skill only if I don't work for money. It's confusing for some at the start.

Ludwig said...

"Someday maybe I will understand more, for now it's survival and


Ludwig said...

I agree. A high paycheck is nice, of course. But what good is all
thta money if you're miserable, right? I heard somebody say it best
one time. When you go to see a doctor or anyone in the medical
profession, you can always tell by their attitude whether they're
just there for the paycheck or because they really and truly enjoy
their job. You spend most of your life at the place where you earn
that paycheck. If you hate your job and are miserable, how can you
possibly be happy any other time?


Ludwig said...

I'm fortunate that both the surgeons who performed my respective operations loved their work, were paid a fair salary for their services and had enough support staff who loved working for them so that somebody could be on 24 hour call at all times so that everybody could be home with their families most weekends. Both of them spent ten to fifteen minutes checking up on me every day I was in the hospital, on the rare occasions they couldn't make it a trusted assistant would fill in.

-Christopher Coolidge

Ludwig said...

Yep it's good not to work for money. I will strive to work for my business and give me sufficient monthly cashflow. And I will do it in less than 10 years. After that, I will do whatever I want and part of it is to help others to be rich too.