January 3, 2009

Billionaire Mind

I would say I have a billionaire mind. I always say,"I am rich." When I started to get serious at getting rich I did my best to know everything about business. I told my parents to retire and start doing business because they would be losers when they would just rely on their SSS, insurance and pension plans. We started a single house rental property and improved the farm my mother inherited so we could profit from it and at the same time learn business.

There was never a day we weren't fighting and shouting at each other. My mother would say,"Your father didn't do anything." And my father would say,"Your mother lack plans and that's why things move so slow and now it's a disaster." (Luckily, we finished the two businesses and are now running but didn't have much financial results). I realized then on I needed more leadership skills. I can only do it when I would design my learning environment just like the environment of Robert Kiyosaki had. Robert had his Rich Dad as his business mentor. I decided to look for a mentor.

I also started just how Robert started his journey. I pursued sales. I sold tubao's, sarongs, and malongs. I didn't learn much from it. I stopped the selling idea and considered franchising, as an alternative to a business mentor. As I was searching for franchises, I bumped to CA2020. And there I found what I was looking for.

I found in CA2020 what I have been looking for, business mentors that would guide me. I was expecting only one, but I found a lof of mentors in the community. But what I really got is a large family of business-minded people. And so, there is no way I'm not going to learn to be a great businessman. I got a whole community that would support me and me to them. We will help each other so ultimately we can all have billionaire minds.

To know more about CA2020 business community Click Here.

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