by Robert Kiyosaki
To those who haven't read it yet:
You may have heard this book from your friend or may have seen it in the bookstores. You notice this intrigues you a lot, a simply titled book and a lot of people recommends it. Now you ask why?
When you finish the book you will greatly realize you should have read it when you were taking up college or maybe earlier.
To those who have read it:
Share how it greatly change your outlook in life and the deep reflections you had when you finished it at Warren Buffett Groups in the DISCUSSION. This so other people can learn from you and share the benefits it gave you. Below is the link to the group:
*IF YOU REALLY WANT TO TAKE ACTION, SEND message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382(COACH LUDWIG)with your NAME, BACKGROUND and INTENTION for attending the programs of CREATE ABUNDANCE BUSINESS COMMUNITY.
The introduction is written by a CPA. She noticed she knows about money and PASSIVE INCOME but do not have it. She got worried about her family and finances.
The 1st part of the book illustrates how OPPOSITE are the mindsets of a Rich person and Broke. Then the story unfolds about a 9 year old boy and his best friend being taught by the best friend's father who the author calls RICH DAD. He occasionally mentions his biological father whom he calls POOR DAD.
Rich Dad's guide posts will greatly improve how you look at money and your ability to earn it.
If you are deeply interested in the book, you can request for a link to the audio book.
You can simply reply to this message with your email and emails of your 10 friends whom you can share and talk with your great realizations.
Then you and your friends will be sent an email invitation to our free community website(CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY) and the instructions in getting the link.
For your great success,
CA Team
I started to blog with the intention of inspiring people to start their own business. I continued to blog to share thoughts that may help people shape their financial future better. Because I experienced the beauty of being a leader, I began to aspire of teaching it to more people. I continue to strive motivating people to become better leaders and investors. (You can add/message me in facebook:
May 24, 2009
May 17, 2009
Conquer Greed For Talents Are Meant To Be Shared
A lot of people know they have the ability to be rich. They refuse to use it because they do not know if they would become greedy or not. But we are accountable if we do not share our talents.
Most assume they become greedy when they earn too much than what they need. But you can hear them complain if it’s less. So they make sure that they only work for what they need TODAY.
They settle for just OK because people would see them as normal. When you dream too much, you will be branded as too ambitious. So they are contented to work all their lives for 8 to 9 hours a day to their beloved employer and hope for a raise and would be taken cared of.
At age 60, you will realize others do not really care about you. If you decided to conquer your fear of having the tendency to be greedy when you have a lot and not care what others would say, then you could have had a better life and time freedom.
Talents are meant to be shared. If there are people who become the richest men in the world, why can’t you? That is ability and talent. You care for hungry people, then why don’t you use that talent and share that to them? Don’t you feel accountable?
You would settle at doing the right things and thinking what others would say to you. You settle that you can help maybe one or two. It’s ok for you to sacrifice others because you will be branded greedy and you are scared of yourself becoming one. You decide to burry your talents to the ground because of your selfishness of preserving your reputation.
It’s up to you to conquer yourself and discover your real potentials. It’s up to you to realize and share it. It’s up to you to ignore or throw it away.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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Most assume they become greedy when they earn too much than what they need. But you can hear them complain if it’s less. So they make sure that they only work for what they need TODAY.
They settle for just OK because people would see them as normal. When you dream too much, you will be branded as too ambitious. So they are contented to work all their lives for 8 to 9 hours a day to their beloved employer and hope for a raise and would be taken cared of.
At age 60, you will realize others do not really care about you. If you decided to conquer your fear of having the tendency to be greedy when you have a lot and not care what others would say, then you could have had a better life and time freedom.
Talents are meant to be shared. If there are people who become the richest men in the world, why can’t you? That is ability and talent. You care for hungry people, then why don’t you use that talent and share that to them? Don’t you feel accountable?
You would settle at doing the right things and thinking what others would say to you. You settle that you can help maybe one or two. It’s ok for you to sacrifice others because you will be branded greedy and you are scared of yourself becoming one. You decide to burry your talents to the ground because of your selfishness of preserving your reputation.
It’s up to you to conquer yourself and discover your real potentials. It’s up to you to realize and share it. It’s up to you to ignore or throw it away.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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May 9, 2009
Begin with Investing Time
That would be a sound approach than investing money to investments you do not know anything about. Learn as much as you can first before taking action.
Most people do not want to study how money works. All they want to do is invest their little money to something safe and think or hope it’s a good investment. But most of the time they earn a little or lose with inflation. And they would blame others or they are just unlucky.
Most of them would justify that they just couldn’t do anything. No matter what they do they just couldn’t hit the jackpot. They do not see the need to read books, attend seminars and take action in actively investing or start a business because they believe it all comes down to luck and hard work.
Begin with investing time and maybe a little money. Invest time in gaining education about the subject. You can read the business section of newspapers. You can buy business or investing books. You definitely would not understand them at first but just continue to read and reread them until you will be familiar with the terms. This way you are investing much time and little money.
Reading books and going to seminars can be boring if you do not have a reason why you want to learn. Just like going to school and listening to your Math or English teacher can be so boring if you do not have interest. A good way to invest time would be reflect on yourself why you want to be financially secure or free.
There are a lot of opportunities offered now that are affordable and sometimes free. You just have to give time so you can learn. CA2020.NET Business Community provides free public courses and affordable events to increase your financial IQ.
Time is very expensive. You can always have money but you can never turn back time. You can lose 1 billion dollars today and you can always create ways in getting it back or double it the next month. But when you spend time stupidly, you can never change it. Most people would say they would rather spend their time having fun today and work for a lifetime. They do not know that they can focus on business for 2 years then they can have all their time having fun for the rest of their lives.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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May 6, 2009
Surround Yourself with Winners
The trick is, be with people who you wanted to be. Be it in finances, love life or personal fulfillment. Who you spend most of your time will determine your future.
A lot of people want to go into business but they spend 80% of their time with their co-employees. What would your colleagues tell you about business? What do they know? Do they have experience? Well, they can be a good source of survey for your business venture but never business advice.
Not only will your colleagues and family give you bad advice but also bad support. They will give you all the reasons why you shouldn’t fight for your dreams and that you should just be contented with what you have. Even if you explain that you are not doing this for yourself but for them, surprisingly, they just love to kill your dreams.
This can be hard but you really have to surround yourself with winners. You really have to look for them. Even successful businessmen have to change partners until they can really have their dream team. The way to fulfilling your dreams is not an easy road. Their will always be people who would drag you down and bumps and even traps. People who would support you in lifting yourself up whenever you fall are essential to success.
You can always find a group or people that would support you in your endeavors if you look for them. In Create Abundance Business Community, people are free to dream big dreams. Everyone supports every dream and will make sure to materialize it no matter how hard. The community provides not only positive support but also sound financial and business advice.
You can always have a support, but it would mean nothing if you do not have initiative. You can always get the attention and support you need but if you would not grow, it’s meaningless. Dream big dreams and then look for people that will support and empower you.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances. As a gift, we invite you to our community website:
If you want to attend the public programs, kindly contact Mr. Ludwig Mark Rosete at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 for details and include your name, background and intention for attending.
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A lot of people want to go into business but they spend 80% of their time with their co-employees. What would your colleagues tell you about business? What do they know? Do they have experience? Well, they can be a good source of survey for your business venture but never business advice.
Not only will your colleagues and family give you bad advice but also bad support. They will give you all the reasons why you shouldn’t fight for your dreams and that you should just be contented with what you have. Even if you explain that you are not doing this for yourself but for them, surprisingly, they just love to kill your dreams.
This can be hard but you really have to surround yourself with winners. You really have to look for them. Even successful businessmen have to change partners until they can really have their dream team. The way to fulfilling your dreams is not an easy road. Their will always be people who would drag you down and bumps and even traps. People who would support you in lifting yourself up whenever you fall are essential to success.
You can always find a group or people that would support you in your endeavors if you look for them. In Create Abundance Business Community, people are free to dream big dreams. Everyone supports every dream and will make sure to materialize it no matter how hard. The community provides not only positive support but also sound financial and business advice.
You can always have a support, but it would mean nothing if you do not have initiative. You can always get the attention and support you need but if you would not grow, it’s meaningless. Dream big dreams and then look for people that will support and empower you.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances. As a gift, we invite you to our community website:
If you want to attend the public programs, kindly contact Mr. Ludwig Mark Rosete at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 for details and include your name, background and intention for attending.
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May 1, 2009
How Do You Define Success?
It is a very common employment question. People may answer it amazingly on job interviews and they get hired. But rarely do they achieve it in employment.
Most people love bragging about the achievements of their children especially during reunions. But when they get back home they would sometimes feel empty. They would sometimes think they could do more or they can be more. Things that are too ordinary seem to be dragging.
The most basic cycle we know about life is the following: go to school and get a good job, make a family and provide your children education, guide them become independent professionals and hope you can retire comfortably. That is the basic the current educational system taught us!
This is the basic cycle of life rich people teach their children: go to school and get a job to LEARN MORE, create passive income streams and provide not only for your family but also to ADD VALUE to the lives of others and, lastly, so money can work for them to add value to the lives of MORE and MORE and MORE people. Certainly, they would not only retire comfortably but REALY, REALY, REALY COMFORTABLE.
A lot of retirees do not see themselves as successful. People would say it’s all about your level of contentment. It is this behavior of settling for less or mediocrity that keeps broke people to their level. And at the end of the day, you are not really contented. You know you have great talents ought to be shared to others and you just can’t do it because you do not want to get out of your comfort zone.
Rich people realized and reached their utmost potentials when they committed to be successful in business. Rich people do not work for money. They work on creating wealth to have time freedom. To have the time of sharing their talents and realizing what they really can do. Rich people would define success as realizing your greatest potentials and make a difference to millions of people.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
If you want to attend the public programs, kindly contact Mr. Ludwig Mark Rosete at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and your intention for attending.
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Most people love bragging about the achievements of their children especially during reunions. But when they get back home they would sometimes feel empty. They would sometimes think they could do more or they can be more. Things that are too ordinary seem to be dragging.
The most basic cycle we know about life is the following: go to school and get a good job, make a family and provide your children education, guide them become independent professionals and hope you can retire comfortably. That is the basic the current educational system taught us!
This is the basic cycle of life rich people teach their children: go to school and get a job to LEARN MORE, create passive income streams and provide not only for your family but also to ADD VALUE to the lives of others and, lastly, so money can work for them to add value to the lives of MORE and MORE and MORE people. Certainly, they would not only retire comfortably but REALY, REALY, REALY COMFORTABLE.
A lot of retirees do not see themselves as successful. People would say it’s all about your level of contentment. It is this behavior of settling for less or mediocrity that keeps broke people to their level. And at the end of the day, you are not really contented. You know you have great talents ought to be shared to others and you just can’t do it because you do not want to get out of your comfort zone.
Rich people realized and reached their utmost potentials when they committed to be successful in business. Rich people do not work for money. They work on creating wealth to have time freedom. To have the time of sharing their talents and realizing what they really can do. Rich people would define success as realizing your greatest potentials and make a difference to millions of people.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
If you want to attend the public programs, kindly contact Mr. Ludwig Mark Rosete at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and your intention for attending.
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