May 17, 2009

Conquer Greed For Talents Are Meant To Be Shared

A lot of people know they have the ability to be rich. They refuse to use it because they do not know if they would become greedy or not. But we are accountable if we do not share our talents.

Most assume they become greedy when they earn too much than what they need. But you can hear them complain if it’s less. So they make sure that they only work for what they need TODAY.

They settle for just OK because people would see them as normal. When you dream too much, you will be branded as too ambitious. So they are contented to work all their lives for 8 to 9 hours a day to their beloved employer and hope for a raise and would be taken cared of.

At age 60, you will realize others do not really care about you. If you decided to conquer your fear of having the tendency to be greedy when you have a lot and not care what others would say, then you could have had a better life and time freedom.

Talents are meant to be shared. If there are people who become the richest men in the world, why can’t you? That is ability and talent. You care for hungry people, then why don’t you use that talent and share that to them? Don’t you feel accountable?

You would settle at doing the right things and thinking what others would say to you. You settle that you can help maybe one or two. It’s ok for you to sacrifice others because you will be branded greedy and you are scared of yourself becoming one. You decide to burry your talents to the ground because of your selfishness of preserving your reputation.

It’s up to you to conquer yourself and discover your real potentials. It’s up to you to realize and share it. It’s up to you to ignore or throw it away.

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