You must have noticed by now a lot of books and financial advisers told you to buy, hold and diversify. And a lot means millions but why do you realize no one is getting rich on that strategy.
"Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing." - WARREN BUFFETT
Do you want to be called an "investor who do not understand what you are doing." So when you hear someone tell you to DIVERSIFY, then expect he doesn't know what he is doing.
90/10 RULE OF MONEY. 10 out of 100 investors have 90 of wealth and 90 investors has 10. As you can see 90 of people say DIVERSIFY that is why they have 10 of wealth. Now you want to be one of the 10 investors who have 90 of the wealth. You just have to follow what people who have the 90 wealth do.
NOTHING BEATS FINANCIAL LITERACY. Knowing more about the rules of money is the way of the rich. Know the rules and play the game. When you study even just 30 minutes per day about money would get you ahead of the pack. You can also actively participate in seminars or trainings about money that are provided by some organizations.
INVEST IN YOURSELF. Invest time, and little money, for now in growing yourself. Be vigilant in learning more and know what to do instead of being lazy and invest no time in yourself and investing more money to financial advisers that tell you to diversify.
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