August 19, 2009

Your Leardership Edge Over Some Investors

Not all businessmen are leaders. Thus, your leadership intensity is an edge in business. And knowing how to lead a business to success is your edge to investors who knows nothing about leadership.

MONEY FOLLOWS YOUR GROWTH. Just like money follows management. Great investors like Warren Buffett examines the company's management very well before he invests in it. And if you have grown yourself to a great business leader, surely, you know how to spot a business with a poor or excellent management skills.

PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE! Not location, location, location! Same thing in real estate. Donald Trump, a real estate tycoon, said in his book The Art of the Deal that real estate success is all about the people who runs the business, not location. So, when you hear your adviser saying that the location of your restaurant is the most important thing, fire him right away! Yet location does matter but even if you are in a good one, your leadership and your managers' is the MOST IMPORTANT THING!

THE CONSTANT CHALLENGE. In business, your leadership is always challenged. An author once said that entrepreneurs are lifelong warriors. Rich people that are successful in business do not make money just for time freedom. They create wealth not just to have more time with their families but to really know where their leadership can take them.

THE GREAT FIRE. Ultimately, great business leaders teach most of the time. Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump travel the world to speak and spark the entrepreneurial spirit of people. They are like great fires that light up the burning desires of success of aspiring business leaders.

YOUR LEADERSHIP EDGE. Growing yourself as a great business leader not only gives you opportunity to improve your quality of life but also as a person. You get to know more about yourself and what you can really achieve. And most importantly, this also gives you a chance to add value to others and let them see their leadership edge!
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