September 28, 2009

ONDOY: Money is No Longer Evil

To create a stronger country and protect our countrymen, money is no longer evil. It is now a tool to do more good. You can become successful and greatly contribute.

RICH PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER GREEDY. When you become a successful businessman and investor, you can provide faster and more RESCUE teams, build stronger residences and invest in RESEARCH for high-end technology for early disaster detection. Through these we can protect more significant lives.

1ST WORLD PHILIPPINES. Only business leaders who have passion in adding value to other people can do this. And not political leaders who do not know something about money. Businessmen created cars for faster transportation, residential developments for shelter, electricity for convenience, water pipelines and many more. How did you benefit from businesses of the rich? If you and more people become successful businessmen, how will you contribute in creating 1st World Philippines.

CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. You can benefit from the guidance of business mentors and coaches of our community. By attending to our public programs and gatherings, you will know more how you can use money and business to provide benefit for yourself and most importantly to other people.

ONDOY & YOU. What did you realize in the events? What kind of urgency do you feel to learn more about money and business to transform into a better citizen of our country? Do you prefer to stay as a victim or move and become a stronger person for others? When you become a successful businessman, what kind of philanthropist are you?

Search more in yourself if you are the right person to join CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. If you think learning to be successful in business to contribute to the lives of more people is for you, then you can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG) with your name, background and intention to join.

For your great success!

P.S. is the free website of CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. Sign-up with proper profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the "How did you find ca2020"question.

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