by: Ludwig Rosete
WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Coach Ludwig)
My father told me,"Mark, we shouldn't be silent about this. We should talk about it." I was lying in my room. The door was open. The only light that was turned on was at the living room. It was night time at about 11:00 pm. I was looking at the ceiling and my father was sitting on a stool just outside the door. "There's no sense not talking about it. We should get it done. We're just half-way through."
My mother is workaholic. She likes to do everything hands-on. Yes, a typical self-employed. "Ma, wash my clothes it's dirty and clean my room. It's been messy for days,"I would sometimes jokingly command her to make her realize what kind of a martyr she is. I remember she said she really love washing clothes. Sometimes I would think that is her passion. This reflected on business. She loves to take action right then and there. It's a great character for an entrepreneur. I mean the taking action part but not the hands-on.
Ever since we were kids, my mother holds the money. Both of my parents are high-school teachers. She is the only one who withdraws from both of their ATM's. I think my father do not even know how to use an ATM. "I let your mother take the money because I'm not good at handling it,"he would say. "That's why if I have to buy something for me, I'm just like you. It's like I have to ask for an allowance from her. Or I can run and referee as part-time and then I'll buy something for me with the extra money I earn." I envy him sometimes because he got a lot of basketball shoes. I only have one for the entire school year. "But it's really tiring to do sidelines, you know. Your mother should give me money for myself," he would complain.
"Your father has a lot of money,"my mother would say. "I gave him Php 100 to buy 2 kilos of rice and he didn't give me the change." At that time, 1 kilo of rice was Php 17-Php 23. I hear this all the time. "What he earns whenever he referees in basketball is for himself. He wouldn't give me a penny." Who is really selfish, my father or her?
It's funny sometimes I notice them they try to get me on their side. I'm always dominant in family matters and business decisions. I sometimes look at my deceased older brother as younger than me when he was still here. Our youngest sister have a mind of her own. She doesn't mind what's going on in the family. I have control to where I want the family would go. At least that was what I thought I was.
The year 2008 when I realized that I am bound to be a business tycoon. I was in Manila. I told my parents to retire early because we have to make time in learning business. We can live by reviving the farm. It can really support the whole family. I wouldn't say that we took the farm for granted but we didn't took notice of it too much. When I went home to Davao for vacation, I showed them that building businesses would provide us abundance and our generations to come. They retired and we thought of more businesses other than the farm. They started to read the business books that I read.
When I came back in Manila, my mother initiated to renovate our 2nd home into a rental property. When I took another vacation to Davao, it was 20% finished. It was as if my parents and me are business partners. The three of us would also check the farm. It was about 10% revived. My mother was also starting to spot for more properties to acquire as rental properties.
The travels, transactions and planning was really exhausting. The exhaustion got into us. "I'll go home early. I think you don't need me here anymore,"said my father. To which my mother replied,"What part did you take? I almost do everything here." My father blasted,"Let the crew do it!" Then I am the referee. This kind of picture happened even when we were young. Even when we haven't yet started any business. They grew distant as years go by. They used to go home together. It was world war when they are together as we grow older. And it came to a point when they go home on their own.
Every morning, whenever we hold meetings, there was always a heated conversation. My sister would lock herself in her room and turn her radio on. I heard from my mother that my sister cries every time she witnesses it. I don't mind. I want to get things done. I don't care if I would even shout to my father or my mother, or to anyone. I remember I even slammed the table at their faces because I was so disappointed with how they get off the topic.
One night on one of the heated conversations. Since it was really hard for my parents to work as a team, they decided to separate. My father will live at the 2nd house which is the rental property and my mother and my sis at the original house. The heat went on. My mother wants my father out. He would not have anything and let him live at the streets. My father agreed with pride. He is old and smart enough to make a living. It was the time when I could not control my mother. She became dominant. I think I got her war-freak attitude. When she really gets angry and her ears closed, it's as if she is in blood-lust. It was agreed that they would separate and the businesses will be stopped. Then there was silence.
I was in my dark room. "We started the plan. We can straight things out,"my father continued. "If we would separate, then what would happen?" He was right. "I know. I just let both of you be to make you realize what you just agreed on," I replied. Deep inside me I wanted to say,"Good thing you realize how both of you make stupid decisions." But I also realize how stupid I was.
It's really funny seeing old people realize with there immaturity. When everything cooled down my mother opened up that they really agreed she would manage the money and whatever my father can earn outside their regular paycheck is his. All along I was confused who was selfish. I just knew it when I am at my mid 20's. And every time my father want to go home early, she just couldn't say that she needs his support even just with his presence. Even if he does nothing. Then my father opened up that he also want to do his part. It's just that he is not given the chance since my mother love to do everything. The experience moved us to be honest. And it made me realize the importance of leadership.
Looking back, I'm glad I found Create Abundance 2020 Business Community. It has become a space for me to grow as a leader. As I teach my apprentices and business partners, I get better and better. The most challenging part is finding the strengths of people. I also learn many things from them. I get to know more about my strengths as well.
As we embark the journey to our dreams, here will be obstacles and conflicts. There can also be probability of getting separated. But these are only challenges and opportunities for us to grow into a better person.
Dream and take action!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can attend our programs and gatherings. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending. You can also visit and sign-up to our free website:
WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Coach Ludwig)
Kindly prepare a profile picture and don't forget to answer who invited you since this is an exclusive website.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
I started to blog with the intention of inspiring people to start their own business. I continued to blog to share thoughts that may help people shape their financial future better. Because I experienced the beauty of being a leader, I began to aspire of teaching it to more people. I continue to strive motivating people to become better leaders and investors. (You can add/message me in facebook:
December 17, 2009
December 9, 2009
Jose Rizal's Pen

My mother never liked Jose Rizal. Or maybe it's my misinterpretation that she likes Andres Bonifacio more. She told me that the latter should be the National Hero because the former was a coward. I have nothing against our Heroes whether they used swords or pens. What matters is we live a bit peaceful and independent lives today because of their huge efforts. We owe our present comfor to them.
The Philippines is still a third world country. Poverty is very evident. And a lot of people are separated from their families because they have to work abroad. If not abroad, they have to live their provinces to seek more opportunities in bigger cities. Today, our country can really use a great leader like Jose Rizal. If he were alive today, what would he do?
If you would think like our National Hero, there are a lot of things that we can do. If our heroes from the past aspired independence for us, what can we aspire for the next generation? It can be a clean and orderly environment like Makati - or cleaner and more orderly. It can be more jobs and abundance. Or, it can be 1st World Philippines. How would that look like?
And that is why I aspire to be a huge success. I aspired to be an entrepreneur and share my great successes. I am happy to have found my business mentors and a great business community. Through entrepreneurship and with a great team, our country can flourish and realize the dream of becoming a 1st World Country.
Entrepreneurship is like your pen. You can choose to write down a great future and a strong economy for our country.
What will you write using a hero's pen?
December 1, 2009
The 65th Birthday Party

At the age of 65 I will have created a lot of contributions to many people. I have travelled the world and I have a huge empire. And at that time, I would have been financially free for 35 years since I plan to have huge passive income at the age of 30. I'm "something" years old now. I'll leave you guessing for a while.
It was friday night. I went to Regency at Salcedo. It was the 65th birthday of my tita. A lot of relatives and friends came. It was a nice party. The program started with a service before the main event - my favorite part -which is having a sumptuous dinner.
I realized and knew more about my tita at the party. She worked for 41 years in service to the government. To which her daughter gave a comment with awe that she may not have done what her mother accomplished. She said maybe only for 20 years. Same goes with the youngest son who strongly agreed. I'm not sure if what would the eldest son's response if he was at the party. He lives in Chicago.
I've been an employee for 5 years. I noticed I could not do what I really want if I stayed on that path. And I have no plans in going back in it ever again. I choose to be an entrepreneur. And if I have to react with my cousin's comment, even 20 years would be too long for me. I can feel the excruciating stress and struggle staying as an employee that long.
Another thing I learned about my tita is her utmost generosity. And I am one of those who benefit from it. I got my last job with her assistance to a prestigious company. And I did witness her kindness in so many ways. She was a mother to me when I was here in Manila. I'm actually from Davao and my family stays there. I'm grateful to feel as if I am one of her children. And I strongly believe she is blessed so much because of her trait.
Entrepreneurs solve other people's problems at a profit. Just like my tita, I want to be very generous. The difference is I commit to be one at a larger scale. And this is another reason why I choose to conquer the business world. I've always wanted to aleviate poverty of our country and provide education to street children. I used to think of raising my children to be great leaders for our country.
One of the things I learned being an entrepreneur is the meaning of affluence. It actually means "flow." The flow of money and blessings must be constant else it would clog. If you give more- like adding value to the live's of more people- you will have more. If you will hoard all the money in the world, you will find it as a very struggling endeavor and there will be no peace of mind.
The last thing that struck me on that event was when my tito-the husband of my tita- gave a sermon. He is a pastor. He told us the story how they met and knew each other. My tita is very sickly. She was studying in UP and because of her being sickly, she had to take some rest. She took a vacation in Davao. She met tito in a Christian Church. Tito is a methodist and tita is from UCCP. And I am Catholic by the way. Tito stressed the blessings despite failures or illness. If tita wasn't sickly, they might haven't met. And yes, there were some cheezy parts of the story like him telling her,"Did you miss me? Because I've been missing you."
In my business experience, I notice failures and breakdowns make you grow as a better person and a more skillful entrepreneur. It's part of the learning curve. And it's standing up every time you fall down that really counts. And like tita, being a very sickly person, never gave up and as if she was very healthy , she continues to be of service and giving more blessings to more people.
There's nothing wrong with being an employee for very long. But some people choose to take the path of entrepreneurship for they commit in having more time. Also, you can become a great blessing if you are one that has a great and noble purpose. And lastly, you will endure the pain and failures a long the way if that purpose is really important to you. Then you can say it was a great journey.
So how would your 65th birthday be? If you want it to be extraordinary, you can check out:
It was friday night. I went to Regency at Salcedo. It was the 65th birthday of my tita. A lot of relatives and friends came. It was a nice party. The program started with a service before the main event - my favorite part -which is having a sumptuous dinner.
I realized and knew more about my tita at the party. She worked for 41 years in service to the government. To which her daughter gave a comment with awe that she may not have done what her mother accomplished. She said maybe only for 20 years. Same goes with the youngest son who strongly agreed. I'm not sure if what would the eldest son's response if he was at the party. He lives in Chicago.
I've been an employee for 5 years. I noticed I could not do what I really want if I stayed on that path. And I have no plans in going back in it ever again. I choose to be an entrepreneur. And if I have to react with my cousin's comment, even 20 years would be too long for me. I can feel the excruciating stress and struggle staying as an employee that long.
Another thing I learned about my tita is her utmost generosity. And I am one of those who benefit from it. I got my last job with her assistance to a prestigious company. And I did witness her kindness in so many ways. She was a mother to me when I was here in Manila. I'm actually from Davao and my family stays there. I'm grateful to feel as if I am one of her children. And I strongly believe she is blessed so much because of her trait.
Entrepreneurs solve other people's problems at a profit. Just like my tita, I want to be very generous. The difference is I commit to be one at a larger scale. And this is another reason why I choose to conquer the business world. I've always wanted to aleviate poverty of our country and provide education to street children. I used to think of raising my children to be great leaders for our country.
One of the things I learned being an entrepreneur is the meaning of affluence. It actually means "flow." The flow of money and blessings must be constant else it would clog. If you give more- like adding value to the live's of more people- you will have more. If you will hoard all the money in the world, you will find it as a very struggling endeavor and there will be no peace of mind.
The last thing that struck me on that event was when my tito-the husband of my tita- gave a sermon. He is a pastor. He told us the story how they met and knew each other. My tita is very sickly. She was studying in UP and because of her being sickly, she had to take some rest. She took a vacation in Davao. She met tito in a Christian Church. Tito is a methodist and tita is from UCCP. And I am Catholic by the way. Tito stressed the blessings despite failures or illness. If tita wasn't sickly, they might haven't met. And yes, there were some cheezy parts of the story like him telling her,"Did you miss me? Because I've been missing you."
In my business experience, I notice failures and breakdowns make you grow as a better person and a more skillful entrepreneur. It's part of the learning curve. And it's standing up every time you fall down that really counts. And like tita, being a very sickly person, never gave up and as if she was very healthy , she continues to be of service and giving more blessings to more people.
There's nothing wrong with being an employee for very long. But some people choose to take the path of entrepreneurship for they commit in having more time. Also, you can become a great blessing if you are one that has a great and noble purpose. And lastly, you will endure the pain and failures a long the way if that purpose is really important to you. Then you can say it was a great journey.
So how would your 65th birthday be? If you want it to be extraordinary, you can check out:
Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020 question.(Answer all questions completely for faster approval.)
For your joy and success!
---------------------SUCCESS BEGINS FROM WITHIN
There are many ways to succeed in business. Only when you become the right person can you find YOUR WAY to success.
Dec 14,15,21,22 Monday and Tuesday at Ortigas
Dec 16,23 Wednesday at Makati
3-6 pm - 1st Batch 6-9 pm - 2nd Batch
FEE: Php 150.00 (For Food)
CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE)
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