August 19, 2012
It's Sunday and a good day for a very long meditation. It's been a long
time since I was consistent with that practice. I was reminded with the
Spiritual Laws of Success. I was reminded of planting seeds of
I rewrote my passive income goals for this year. It was my personal goal
and not for the company. I think about the things I learned in my
business and the experiences I have. One of the things I learned is to
write your goal for this year and look at it as frequent as possible. I
kept it in my wallet. Then I remember the goal of giving happiness and
love to others.
Have I been giving love to others? Or am I just going through the flow
of life making myself comfortable and do just fine. Have I been living
my purpose?
"There is more to life than love."-Ramon Bautista, Tales from the Friend Zone
I'm talking of a different kind of love. It's not the romantic love that
teenagers think about 95% of the time. It's about love to people. It's
more of giving value to others. Maybe the romantic love is part of it
but it's not all of it. I think about love on the larger scale like love
for the country or the less fortunate or the middle class getting broke
or employees who are desperate of going to the right quadrant.
I want to be rich. I want to do the things that matter to me. What are
those things? One of them is spending time with my family. Another is
playing video games all day long or maybe all year long. I would want to
play all the RPGs in the world. That's the personal desires that I
have. One of my beliefs is I cannot have this if I don't give them or
similar to those things. Give first then you get. My formula of being
rich and being financially free is giving love to more and more people.
I was thinking of continuing the group I created before. It was a
leadership group. Those people believed that everything rises or falls
on leadership. That is love. I'm thinking if I continue to give value to
these people, giving them what they want, happiness will be expanded.
And it will return hundred fold. Is this unconditional love?
They say that unconditional love is about not expecting anything. It's
half true for me. Maybe you don't get something in material form but you
may feel happy. You still received happiness in the act of giving. I
guess I'm expecting something in return but it would be just the
secondary purpose. One of the things I learned in college is not to
expect too much so as not to be too disappointed.
I guess my challenge to you my beloved reader is that give little love
everyday. It can be anything. It can be writing a blog for readers and
they learn. It could be a motivational text quote to your friend. Or it
could be a silent prayer. And lastly, I challenge you to write your
goals for this year and I hope you write me if it benefited you. Thank
you for reading and bless you!
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