September 7, 2012

CEO File #7: Law Seriously

CEO File #7: Law Seriously

by Ludwig Mark on Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 1:00am ·
"Really, I'm scared of cases." - law graduate.

I've been wishing to meet someone that is knowledgeable in law. Finally I found the guy. Ever since I started to explore business, my focus was talking to accountants and lawyers. It was easy to find accountants and talk to them. Lawyers, on the other hand, especially corporate lawyers are hard to find.

"Ignorance of the Law excuses no one." -  some lawyer :)

I always hear that from my mother and in a television series that tackles about law. My mom always encourage to give time learning about it and read newspapers often. Did I do it? Hell no.

I'm the kind of guy that wants fun all the time. Or at least that was me before. Now, I need more focus most especially I lead a business. I always make sure there will be an element of fun in our businesses and activities. I believe in the formula of the greatest networker: accomplishment =  growth + fun + result.

Law is fun. I'm not so sure if I'm just making it up like forcing myself to like something. I've been training myself to like something I don't like ever since I was a kid. I guess you can relate if your parents expect that you always have passing grades. I always pushed myself to love subjects I hate just to impress my parents.

But I think I really like law. I watch Ally Mcbeal before and I miss the series. Or maybe I just like her. She's beautiful for me and I have a thing for weird people. I do find myself having fun watching movies about cases and try to catch up what is happening or to understand the case. I'm not your genius guy who gets ideas fast and I just discovered I'm half deaf. I discovered it when I had a medical check-up requirement before I get to be fully hired by a tv network.

Now back to business. Law has been one of my focus to always consider especially in business transactions. I've been searching for a lawyer to be a partner. I have a stereotype to them though. 90% of them are snakes. That's the same reason I always increase my leadership skills. I want to read snakes before they bite me and if it's too late to realize that they are snakes, my leadership influence has to be overwhelming to be able to tame these snakes.

The ultimate defense formula that I adapted is Self-knowledge to counter these snakes. I have this mantra,"If everything will be gone, I can always recreate them because of the inherent gifts given by the Higher being." The second back-up is character focus. I need to have the highest level of leadership skill to be able to read people and know his or her character with 90% accuracy. Third is overwhelming influence. With this in mind, you now know why I am serious in studying leadership. Those three subjects are covered by it.
Today, I nailed my goal of meeting someone very knowledgeable in law and get his trust and loyalty. I met the "Joker". Let's just call him that for he wants to maintain low profile. He said,"You don't need to mention my name. Just know that you have better advantage if I help you out. It's like having a joker in your deck of cards." He also assured me to ask him if I have some inquiries regarding law. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the indication of trust. That's IOT my friend.

My philosophy of trust is everyday it diminishes. You need to maintain in building trust. When you get an IOT, it doesn't mean you end there. You need to build it more. You build it by really delivering results. At least that is what I consider my Ace. In conclusion, I will be building more trust and loyalty to Joker.

What is the message from above that I consider given to me today?  It is continue to give love, really make people feel important and help them achieve their dreams. Have a wonderful day my avid reader! Cheers!


P.S. Do you want a leadership support group? PM me. Be it business concern, career, lovelife or anything under the sun that is important to you, we will listen and help you find the answers you are seeking. We gather once a week in Quezon City, Philippines. The catch? We want to meet new people!
Please like my page if you have learned something!

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