I started to blog with the intention of inspiring people to start their own business. I continued to blog to share thoughts that may help people shape their financial future better. Because I experienced the beauty of being a leader, I began to aspire of teaching it to more people. I continue to strive motivating people to become better leaders and investors. (You can add/message me in facebook: ludwig.mark@rocketmail.com)
December 17, 2009
Our Dream That Almost Got Us Separated
WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Coach Ludwig)
My father told me,"Mark, we shouldn't be silent about this. We should talk about it." I was lying in my room. The door was open. The only light that was turned on was at the living room. It was night time at about 11:00 pm. I was looking at the ceiling and my father was sitting on a stool just outside the door. "There's no sense not talking about it. We should get it done. We're just half-way through."
My mother is workaholic. She likes to do everything hands-on. Yes, a typical self-employed. "Ma, wash my clothes it's dirty and clean my room. It's been messy for days,"I would sometimes jokingly command her to make her realize what kind of a martyr she is. I remember she said she really love washing clothes. Sometimes I would think that is her passion. This reflected on business. She loves to take action right then and there. It's a great character for an entrepreneur. I mean the taking action part but not the hands-on.
Ever since we were kids, my mother holds the money. Both of my parents are high-school teachers. She is the only one who withdraws from both of their ATM's. I think my father do not even know how to use an ATM. "I let your mother take the money because I'm not good at handling it,"he would say. "That's why if I have to buy something for me, I'm just like you. It's like I have to ask for an allowance from her. Or I can run and referee as part-time and then I'll buy something for me with the extra money I earn." I envy him sometimes because he got a lot of basketball shoes. I only have one for the entire school year. "But it's really tiring to do sidelines, you know. Your mother should give me money for myself," he would complain.
"Your father has a lot of money,"my mother would say. "I gave him Php 100 to buy 2 kilos of rice and he didn't give me the change." At that time, 1 kilo of rice was Php 17-Php 23. I hear this all the time. "What he earns whenever he referees in basketball is for himself. He wouldn't give me a penny." Who is really selfish, my father or her?
It's funny sometimes I notice them they try to get me on their side. I'm always dominant in family matters and business decisions. I sometimes look at my deceased older brother as younger than me when he was still here. Our youngest sister have a mind of her own. She doesn't mind what's going on in the family. I have control to where I want the family would go. At least that was what I thought I was.
The year 2008 when I realized that I am bound to be a business tycoon. I was in Manila. I told my parents to retire early because we have to make time in learning business. We can live by reviving the farm. It can really support the whole family. I wouldn't say that we took the farm for granted but we didn't took notice of it too much. When I went home to Davao for vacation, I showed them that building businesses would provide us abundance and our generations to come. They retired and we thought of more businesses other than the farm. They started to read the business books that I read.
When I came back in Manila, my mother initiated to renovate our 2nd home into a rental property. When I took another vacation to Davao, it was 20% finished. It was as if my parents and me are business partners. The three of us would also check the farm. It was about 10% revived. My mother was also starting to spot for more properties to acquire as rental properties.
The travels, transactions and planning was really exhausting. The exhaustion got into us. "I'll go home early. I think you don't need me here anymore,"said my father. To which my mother replied,"What part did you take? I almost do everything here." My father blasted,"Let the crew do it!" Then I am the referee. This kind of picture happened even when we were young. Even when we haven't yet started any business. They grew distant as years go by. They used to go home together. It was world war when they are together as we grow older. And it came to a point when they go home on their own.
Every morning, whenever we hold meetings, there was always a heated conversation. My sister would lock herself in her room and turn her radio on. I heard from my mother that my sister cries every time she witnesses it. I don't mind. I want to get things done. I don't care if I would even shout to my father or my mother, or to anyone. I remember I even slammed the table at their faces because I was so disappointed with how they get off the topic.
One night on one of the heated conversations. Since it was really hard for my parents to work as a team, they decided to separate. My father will live at the 2nd house which is the rental property and my mother and my sis at the original house. The heat went on. My mother wants my father out. He would not have anything and let him live at the streets. My father agreed with pride. He is old and smart enough to make a living. It was the time when I could not control my mother. She became dominant. I think I got her war-freak attitude. When she really gets angry and her ears closed, it's as if she is in blood-lust. It was agreed that they would separate and the businesses will be stopped. Then there was silence.
I was in my dark room. "We started the plan. We can straight things out,"my father continued. "If we would separate, then what would happen?" He was right. "I know. I just let both of you be to make you realize what you just agreed on," I replied. Deep inside me I wanted to say,"Good thing you realize how both of you make stupid decisions." But I also realize how stupid I was.
It's really funny seeing old people realize with there immaturity. When everything cooled down my mother opened up that they really agreed she would manage the money and whatever my father can earn outside their regular paycheck is his. All along I was confused who was selfish. I just knew it when I am at my mid 20's. And every time my father want to go home early, she just couldn't say that she needs his support even just with his presence. Even if he does nothing. Then my father opened up that he also want to do his part. It's just that he is not given the chance since my mother love to do everything. The experience moved us to be honest. And it made me realize the importance of leadership.
Looking back, I'm glad I found Create Abundance 2020 Business Community. It has become a space for me to grow as a leader. As I teach my apprentices and business partners, I get better and better. The most challenging part is finding the strengths of people. I also learn many things from them. I get to know more about my strengths as well.
As we embark the journey to our dreams, here will be obstacles and conflicts. There can also be probability of getting separated. But these are only challenges and opportunities for us to grow into a better person.
Dream and take action!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can attend our programs and gatherings. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending. You can also visit and sign-up to our free website:
WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Coach Ludwig)
Kindly prepare a profile picture and don't forget to answer who invited you since this is an exclusive website.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
December 9, 2009
Jose Rizal's Pen

My mother never liked Jose Rizal. Or maybe it's my misinterpretation that she likes Andres Bonifacio more. She told me that the latter should be the National Hero because the former was a coward. I have nothing against our Heroes whether they used swords or pens. What matters is we live a bit peaceful and independent lives today because of their huge efforts. We owe our present comfor to them.
The Philippines is still a third world country. Poverty is very evident. And a lot of people are separated from their families because they have to work abroad. If not abroad, they have to live their provinces to seek more opportunities in bigger cities. Today, our country can really use a great leader like Jose Rizal. If he were alive today, what would he do?
If you would think like our National Hero, there are a lot of things that we can do. If our heroes from the past aspired independence for us, what can we aspire for the next generation? It can be a clean and orderly environment like Makati - or cleaner and more orderly. It can be more jobs and abundance. Or, it can be 1st World Philippines. How would that look like?
And that is why I aspire to be a huge success. I aspired to be an entrepreneur and share my great successes. I am happy to have found my business mentors and a great business community. Through entrepreneurship and with a great team, our country can flourish and realize the dream of becoming a 1st World Country.
Entrepreneurship is like your pen. You can choose to write down a great future and a strong economy for our country.
What will you write using a hero's pen?
December 1, 2009
The 65th Birthday Party

It was friday night. I went to Regency at Salcedo. It was the 65th birthday of my tita. A lot of relatives and friends came. It was a nice party. The program started with a service before the main event - my favorite part -which is having a sumptuous dinner.
I realized and knew more about my tita at the party. She worked for 41 years in service to the government. To which her daughter gave a comment with awe that she may not have done what her mother accomplished. She said maybe only for 20 years. Same goes with the youngest son who strongly agreed. I'm not sure if what would the eldest son's response if he was at the party. He lives in Chicago.
I've been an employee for 5 years. I noticed I could not do what I really want if I stayed on that path. And I have no plans in going back in it ever again. I choose to be an entrepreneur. And if I have to react with my cousin's comment, even 20 years would be too long for me. I can feel the excruciating stress and struggle staying as an employee that long.
Another thing I learned about my tita is her utmost generosity. And I am one of those who benefit from it. I got my last job with her assistance to a prestigious company. And I did witness her kindness in so many ways. She was a mother to me when I was here in Manila. I'm actually from Davao and my family stays there. I'm grateful to feel as if I am one of her children. And I strongly believe she is blessed so much because of her trait.
Entrepreneurs solve other people's problems at a profit. Just like my tita, I want to be very generous. The difference is I commit to be one at a larger scale. And this is another reason why I choose to conquer the business world. I've always wanted to aleviate poverty of our country and provide education to street children. I used to think of raising my children to be great leaders for our country.
One of the things I learned being an entrepreneur is the meaning of affluence. It actually means "flow." The flow of money and blessings must be constant else it would clog. If you give more- like adding value to the live's of more people- you will have more. If you will hoard all the money in the world, you will find it as a very struggling endeavor and there will be no peace of mind.
The last thing that struck me on that event was when my tito-the husband of my tita- gave a sermon. He is a pastor. He told us the story how they met and knew each other. My tita is very sickly. She was studying in UP and because of her being sickly, she had to take some rest. She took a vacation in Davao. She met tito in a Christian Church. Tito is a methodist and tita is from UCCP. And I am Catholic by the way. Tito stressed the blessings despite failures or illness. If tita wasn't sickly, they might haven't met. And yes, there were some cheezy parts of the story like him telling her,"Did you miss me? Because I've been missing you."
In my business experience, I notice failures and breakdowns make you grow as a better person and a more skillful entrepreneur. It's part of the learning curve. And it's standing up every time you fall down that really counts. And like tita, being a very sickly person, never gave up and as if she was very healthy , she continues to be of service and giving more blessings to more people.
There's nothing wrong with being an employee for very long. But some people choose to take the path of entrepreneurship for they commit in having more time. Also, you can become a great blessing if you are one that has a great and noble purpose. And lastly, you will endure the pain and failures a long the way if that purpose is really important to you. Then you can say it was a great journey.
So how would your 65th birthday be? If you want it to be extraordinary, you can check out:
There are many ways to succeed in business. Only when you become the right person can you find YOUR WAY to success.
Dec 14,15,21,22 Monday and Tuesday at Ortigas
Dec 16,23 Wednesday at Makati
3-6 pm - 1st Batch 6-9 pm - 2nd Batch
FEE: Php 150.00 (For Food)
CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE)
For Reservation:
Send message with Full Name Occupation/Business Age Date & Time to attend Intention for attending
(Those with profile approved at ca2020.net are prioritized.)
November 17, 2009
Ordinary History
Most people think they are ordinary. That is why they do not take the initiative to bring great changes. Most people do not know that because they are humans they have the ability to make astonishing histories. Most of them just make ordinary history. What people from the past did, even if they are not written, are part of history. History written in books are just documented histories.
The historicity of a human being is a form of power. And because of that, even if I'm not written in books, I'll make my history extraordinary. A massive history that would bring change in the country and the world.
If you want to create your own extraordinary history, you can check out:
WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Ludwig Rosete)
November 10, 2009
Employees Trying Business
....Two employees in a bus talking about the "business" they had with their office mates. In that endeavor, there were 10 of them who invested. It was a LUGAWAN. Some of them gave time to be employees in their "business." Then one said it isn't fair since some people invested same amount but didn't help in the dirty work. The second agreed and that they should've talked about it in the group before it was closed down. Then they talked about one person - also their partner in the LUGAWAN - who invested php 40,000 in the LUGAWAN and now invested another big amount in BARBECUE "business." They pity him since he had the biggest share and all that he said,"It's fine. Let's charge it to experience." 40,000 is a big amount for experience, one said. The BARBECUE endeavor seem to have no future either, break even and sometimes negative cashflow....
Sounds familiar? You must have heard similar stories once in your life. Now, why "business" and not simply business? "Business" means small business or self-employed. Business gives you passive income and even if you leave it for a year, it is still earning and the sweetest part is that it is expanding on it's own. If you have read Rich Dad Poor Dad, that is the definition of business. That is why, the writer quoted "business" since it is not really the context of business for big businessmen or rich people. Think how can a LUGAWAN or BARBECUE become a real business. It is possible. If you think business and not "business."
Business SYSTEMS is the key. Do you notice the systems in some establishments that you made transactions before? How about in the restaurants? How about in the Malls? As you can see, big businessmen do not think much of the product. They focus on creating business systems.
We have to commend the employees above. Especially the 40,000 guy charge to experience. Do you know that millions and thousands are lost by big businessmen before their next businesses skyrocketed? What did the 40,000 guy learned? Or was he just satisfied he had an experience with business and didn't ponder deeper what he is missing? Let's pray he will really learn in his BARBECUE "business." Now, you're asking. How can you start business and be successful and not just do "business"? Learn how to create business systems or find existing ones that you can use.
The idea is having a system. But there is more than just thinking and looking for one. If you want to learn more about real business, you can sign-up in our free website:
Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE(Warren Buffett Friendster Fan Moderator) in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020 question. Answer all questions completely for faster approval. Approval may take days. And when it is approved, you can reserve seats to attend our public programs. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending.
For your joy and success!
EVENTS: Fundamentals in Business Success for November
There are many ways to succeed in business. Only when you become the right person can you find YOUR WAY to success.
WHAT: Wealth Course(3 modules, 1 module per day)
Monday and Tuesday at Ortigas
Wednesday and Thursday at Makati
3-6 pm - 1st Batch
6-9 pm - 2nd Batch
FEE: Php 150.00 (For Food)
CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE)
For Reservation:
(Approval of profile in ca2020.net is required)
Full Name
Date & Time to attend
Intention for attending
Module 1: AWARENESS to what comprises success
-Learn habits to have more focus and discipline
-What specific income the rich are looking for
-Raise your money thermostat: Thousands to Millions
-Basic Money Management
(You will be given tasks before proceding to the next module)
Module 2: UNDERSTANDING why rich people starts within
-Your Inner and Outer World
-Discover what holds you back and moves you forward
-Discover what you really want in life
(You will be given tasks before proceding to the next module)
Module 3: RECONDITIONING your beliefs and habits for success
-Discover why you want to be rich
-Raise your EQ(Emotional Quotient)
-How to take action
(Congratulations! You have completed the course!)
This is part of MISSION of CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY in spreading financial literacy throughout the nation. You can assist us in our mission by forwarding this message to your friends and family. This is also the introduction for the intensive business training.
November 7, 2009
1. Reason Greater than Reality
As what Robert Kiyosaki said in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad that you need a big reason to be rich. If you have bigger dreams than just buying a new laptop or new gadget, you will really endure the rigorous journey to business success.
2. Business Mentor
If you want to earn 50,000 per month, talk to a person who does. If you want millions, talk to a millionaire.
3. Winning Business Team
There is strength in numbers. Do not be a noble self-employed who thinks he is the best. You need the best people in your team to succeed.
There are a lot more that you need to be really achieve success in a shorter period of time. But it's best to start right with the basics. You can learn more when you visit and sign-up to our free website
Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.(Answer all questions completely for faster approval.)
For your joy and success!
There are many ways to succeed in business. Only when you become the right person can you find YOUR WAY to success.
WHAT: Wealth Course
Nov 16,17,23,24 Monday and Tuesday at Ortigas
Nov 18,19,25,26 Wednesday and Thursday at Makati
3-6 pm - 1st Batch
6-9 pm - 2nd Batch
FEE: Php 150.00 (For Food)
CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE)
For Reservation:
Send message with:
Full Name
Date & Time to attend
Intention for attending
November 2, 2009
When The Leader Awakens
I was aware I have some charisma. I never knew I was to become a great business leader.
January 31,2008 when I bought my very first business book. I didn’t intend to buy a business book. All I wanted is try another hobby which was reading. I intend to by novels but the little “Why We Want You To Be Rich” caught my eye. It was Donald Trump that really got my attention. I never knew Robert Kiyosaki then.
I realized the importance of having financial literacy. As I read more books, I understand more why even if a person does not intend to do business; he has to know how his finances work. The business world seemed to be a great adventure to take on. And so I did. I didn’t settle just to have control over my finances. I saw my dream of giving scholarship to a child whose family does not have the financial capacity to give him proper education. And as I dig deeper to the business reality, I saw I can give not only one scholarship, but to as many children as I want.
When I was in elementary, I had trainings in leadership. I no longer remember what my position was. In high school, I became president in 4th year. I was also Captain Ball in volleyball varsity. In college, I was elected same position in 4th year and 5th. On my 1st job, I was the team leader. I knew I have leadership in me. And I never knew it was bound to be tested in the very challenging world of business. It was as if my life was written by someone and those leadership positions were a preparation to the next leadership chapter.
My first leadership experience in business was when I persuaded my parents to retire earlier and start a business. I shared the books and I felt they are agreeing with the idea. So we started our journey. The 2nd house was renovated into a rental property. And the farm was fixed. Before, we didn’t take notice so much of the potential of it. As we understand more about the principles of business, we realized it could have been better if we really maintained and focused on building the farm. And those experiences weren’t easy. Most especially my parents are growing old and I can’t handle or supervise because I didn’t have the appropriate technical skills and knowledge.
I remember when we the three of us, my parents and me were planning about the business. There were times we shouted on each other. I would sometimes insult my father. There was no teamwork. I was more of a tyrant. There were times when they would fight. And at the end of the day, when anger subsides, it was just miscommunications and misunderstandings. It was so tiring just to handle both parents. My sister even cried once when she witnessed our clashes. I remember my parents settled to live in separate ways. Sometimes we thought being an employee was much easier. But there’s no turning back. We were already on the road. And so I committed to learn and grow myself to know more about doing business.
I looked for mentors, business partners and advisers. I even hired a bookkeeper for 3 months even if I don’t have business yet. I was so proud of it. And I should be since I learned a lot through that experience. Then someone invited me to join in a business community in the internet.
I passed the standards and become part of the core team. I started to build my organization. It was very challenging. Yes it was hard but I prefer to use challenging. Then I realized I have to lead by example. I noticed I really have to be serious in studying leadership. And as the organization grows, the more leadership and understanding of team work is required.
I must say, I found much improvement in my life when I was serious in personal development through leadership. And just like a parent, I create time for new business leaders. Know more of their concerns and together we create ways what works for him. And as a son to my mentors and coaches, I listen to their wisdom intently.
“The leader of the Philippines is not yet born,” as Lucio Tan would say. When the community was created his statement was no longer true. All along you were born but the real birth of the leader is when the potential in you have been awakened. And now, more leaders for our country are born inside the community.
I thank you and I love you CA2020 for being a great blessing and awakening the Great Leader in me.
For your joy and success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can attend our programs and gatherings. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0917.6149.879 with your name, background and intention for attending. You can also visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET (Invited by Ludwig Rosete).
October 28, 2009
A Better Patriotism
DOING SMALL THINGS. You can do small things to be patriotic. Be the best employee or do the best you can in every little thing that you do. But what are these little things? How can these little things affect our country. Let's take for example of our garbage. What are your habits with regard to throwing them properly? You may start this way. But as you would notice, this would take too long to really take effect. And the velocity how the environment degrades is faster than these little things. It's true that you start small. But make it sure that you gain momentum and as it grows, it becomes faster versus the rate of the increase of the problem you are solving just like the example of our garbage and environment.
PLEA TO THE GOVERNMENT. Or you can always let the government hear your voice. You go to rallies seeking for paycheck raise or roll-back of gas prices. This can be a good way to really help your countrymen. But have you noticed we have been doing these for a very long time. And you must have realized by now that nothing much have changed with the old strategy. And sometimes we go overboard! We impeach the one seated in the Presidency. Then this cycle goes on and on. Are we doing this just for excitement? Maybe not and you may be very serious at it. But did you ever reflect to the real consequences? Yes, the person may be guilty. But the next action taken is taken for granted. Thus everything goes in a cycle. We are doing the same thing and expecting a new result. If Einstein were alive, he would tell us in our faces that we are very much insane.
BUSINESS AND PATRIOTISM. It's great to know the billionaires and millionaires of the world are doing great things to make the world a better place. If you haven't noticed it, search 'charity of billionaires' in the web. Yes you may not feel it simply because you don't need it. It's because you can provide for your own. And it just means that you have the opportunity to be a big part of it. Just imagine yourself helping a lot of people and build charities. And yes it's sure is not that easy.
EVERYONE IS CAPABLE. But not everyone has the courage of facing self-doubt. Courage is not the absence of fear but the knowledge that something is more important than fear. Simply put, you are working today to provide for your family. It's because your family is important and you love them. If contributing to a lot of people is important to you, then you wouldn't mind you self-doubt and focus on your strengths on what you really can do. Here's the twist! If you can learn to provide for thousands of people, how in the world can you not provide for your family?
Patriotism is the same with the love for your family. It's just you take your love to a greater scale knowing that if you will not start, who will. And if not today, when?
For your joy and success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can attend our programs and gatherings. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending. You can also visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as contact at
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 26, 2009
Real Act of Charity
YOUR BUSINESS MENTOR. The easiest way to be successful is to ask someone who achieved the same dreams as yours. Imagine if you can save half of your time and energy in achieving your dreams. It's more fulfilling if you live your dreams longer and you start it while you are younger. When are you going to consider to really have a mentor? How can things go if you start today?
ACT OF CHARITY. When you start to provide for your family, you may think of extending help to your relatives. When you have more, you can extend your help to more people. If you are focused on the bigger goal which is the latter, surely, the lesser goals or the former can also be provided. Imagine you can provide for your locality. What if you can provide for a whole region? The whole Philippines perhaps?
CA2020. Thus the business community was created. Entrepreneurs and apprentices alike volunteer to give business coaching and training to people who truly commit to act for love and charity for others. The organization gets bigger and bigger. And we stand united to commit ourselves to the success of every Filipino that is a man for others. We invite you to act and share our dream of creating a 1st World Philippines. Our mission is to spread financial literacy to you and throughout the nation. (You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending.)This we offer to all our fellow-countrymen.
Someone receives when you give. You can either give time or money. If you give both to more people, certainly, it came from your sincere act of love and charity.
For your joy and success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can attend our programs and gatherings. You can send message to MR. LUDWIG ROSETE at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 with your name, background and intention for attending. You can also visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as contact at
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 22, 2009
If You Are Sure
FOR YOUR FAMILY. What do you want to provide for your family? List down 2 things and the reasons why. Eg., Travel to _____ because my family deserve to experience it.
FOR OTHERS. Surely you also want to share your blessings to others. List down 2 things and the reasons why.
FOR YOUR COUNTRY. With the calamities and economic problems the Philippines experienced, what are you going to provide to our fellow-countrymen? List down 2 things and the reasons why.
HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU? Look at the things that you listed and if you feel you really want to experience and really achieve them, it's best you create 1, 5 and 10-year plans.
Isn't it very exciting to imagine when you achieve them?
If you like these kinds of activities of personal development and about business, you can learn more specific and advanced by attending the public programs of Create Abundance 2020 Business Community. You can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) with your name, background and intention for attending.
For your great success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 21, 2009
Small Dreams Not Allowed
STOLEN DREAMS. When you entered employment, most of your ideals have been crumpled. That was your first step to the real world. It was the beginning where you really apply what you learn in school. And your purpose is to earn money. Or, it can also be to have fulfillment when seated in a higher position. Then you realize, it's not a so perfect world. It's not so perfect for your ideals and dreams. They seem very far to reach. As you go through day-to-day activities, the big dreams fades and become smaller and smaller. Can you even remember your ideals and big dreams?
THE AWAKENING. If you are as lucky as I am, that was when I accidentally read WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH, you are now aware that you can relive those dreams. I consider myself lucky since I really didn't have the intention to read business books. And reading books was not part of my hobby before. But I did have the dream of having my own business. That was my small dream. When I read that book, I remember my biggest ideals and dreams back in college. I want to give education to poor children of fisher-folks and farmers. Before I knew that becoming a huge success in business was the way, I have a strong passion to raise my children as the greatest POLITICAL leaders in this country - I remember I used that before in courting someone, I told her I CHOOSE her to be the mother of my children for I dream of molding them to be great persons and she is the perfect partner.
TEACH FISHING. When I was in GMA 7, I really thought I can have my ideals back again. But I was disappointed. I can't even sponsor a child. Although you can to some institutions, but I want to teach him personally to be the best professional. I guess it was natural for me not to settle for less even before. When I read about Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, things are getting exciting! Instead of raising political leaders, it's best to create BUSINESS LEADERS! If I can create huge empires, I can teach that to anyone! I can see thousands of Filipinos with the likes of HENRY SY and LUCIO TAN. I choose to teach business success!
BIG DREAMS. If you become part of the community, you will begin choosing and creating your dreams. Small dreams are not allowed. Remember the days when you have your greatest ideals. What are those dreams? Is it the dream of traveling the world? Or is to be famous and live the luxurious life? Why do you want it? Is it for a cause?
We have only one life. You can spend it to reach your dreams. Or you can spend it for mediocrity. The journey to reaching your dreams and greatest potentials is the same experience when you get there. And when you do, don't forget to dream BIGGER DREAMS.
For your great success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 20, 2009
Pride Gets You No Where
Most people wants to prove themselves. Like most children of successful business owners they do not like to live on the shadow of their parents. They want to create a name of their own. There is nothing wrong about it. But most of them miss the lessons they can learn from their parents. It may depend on their parents, too. The craft of learning from and dealing with difficult people is n important skill you would prefer to have.
If you are not one of those lucky children that have successful parents, the more you would want to be a beginner, even if it's so hard, if you really want to speed up your experience and knowledge. Most especially if you are talking with a successful person. You don't want to miss in knowing more of their great knowledge and years of experience.
Business success can be achieved more quickly if you are very open in letting others contribute to you. It doesn't mean you use people. It means promoting teamwork. If you work alone, expect more hard work, and it would really be a lonely journey. Just imagine if you become a huge success ad you acknowledge the people who assisted you in your achievement. Isn't it great to share your fulfillment?
Let's say you wanted to start a business. Then you find it hard to get thing going. Then you realized you really need someone to guide you. When you found you business mentor, you became aware that you not only learn from him. But also, his circle of friends and contacts can really help you a lot! Wouldn't that speed up your way to success? Unless you really want to have a hard time, then, this action is not for you. Think about the time you will gain if you can quickly achieve success.
This is part of the culture of Create Abundance 2020 Business Community. Mentors, coaches, and apprentices alike are very open to let others be a great contribution to them. They also want to do the same to people who are committed in achieving huge success. You can be part of the community and undergo business training with mentors and coaches. You can first attend our public programs to know more about the community and learn at the same time. You can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) with your name, background and intention for attending.
For your great success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 18, 2009
Better Than Beasts
YOUR DUTY TO THE ENVIRONMENT. You know this since Elementary and College, that is if you know how to read. If you haven't been to school, then you mustn't have read this far - or even use internet. It's no longer needed to elaborate to you the need of taking good care of your habitat. But a reminder, most certainly. Put your trash where they belong.
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. That statement is for animals. If you can speak, then it doesn't apply to you. FIT HUMAN BEINGS HELP THE UNFIT. If you are RICH you can help the POOR. If you are POOR, you can ask for help. If you are right in the middle, and you do not have any idea how to be REALLY RICH, you are bound to be poor. And you will just contribute to the problem. It's not that poor people are problem. It's educated people become poor that is the problem.
MIDDLE-CLASS TO BUSINESSMEN. If you don't know that it's the best way to be really rich, you are living in the past. INFORMATION MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND, not your monthly paycheck. Search the GOOGLE how many retired employees become broke. It's true what the MOVIES tell you, INFORMATION is POWER! And not the old knowledge.
RICH HUMANS ARE GENEROUS. Now that you know you have the power to be rich, what kind of rich are you? If you are a rich HUMAN, then you must have good nature. You feel for others. You feel for the environment. You feel for the betterment of all. What would you do to contribute to the needy and the environment if you were a very POWERFUL RICH HUMAN?
As a human being, you can choose to eat, breathe and raise children. Or you can choose to do MORE. You can choose to be better than the beasts. You can choose to be a PERSON for OTHERS. If you decide to be really a businessman with big businesses that can provide for the environment and more people, you can attend public programs and know more about the training program of CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. You can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) with your name, background and intention for attending.
Wishing you joy, health and abundance!
P.S. You can contact us at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (Coach Ludwig Rosete) with your name, background and intention for attending. You are also invited to sign-up to our free website CA2020.NET with proper profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND CA2020 question.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 14, 2009
The Life You Truly Want
THOSE WHO HAVE THE CLUE. If you are one of those people who notice that you should know more about financial literacy and start you own business, you are on the right track. You must be aware right now that you have the capability of getting what you want. You know that being rich is actually good and you really deserve it. You know you want to live a luxurious life or maybe not so luxurious but you can really provide more that what you or your family needs. If you are not one of these people, you are invited to read on and ponder when you are done.
RICH AND GENEROUS. When you are rich, you may tend to be restless or bored. You no longer have to work for money. Back when you were busy creating money, you felt so productive. Now you don't. That is if you don't intend to really dream big most especially to contribute or help others. Most rich people talk about how to really give more to the needy. How they can create more successful people. What would you do if you are one of these people? How would you contribute?
TEACH YOUR SUCCESS. If you become really a huge success then you teach 10 people how you did it, what would you feel if at least half of them would really be successful? If you are not yet successful, you cannot teach what you have, then you better start your journey in finding a mentor or a group with this kind of endeavor.
Create Abundance 2020 Business Community was created to teach people who want to know more about financial literacy. To those people who are really serious in being rich and their reason for that is to really contribute to more people, the community provides intensive training and coaching. The dream of the community is to create a 1st World Philippines and eventually 1st World Nations for the World. If you share our passion and dream, you can first attend our public programs to know more about the community and learn at the same time. You can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) with your name, background and intention for attending.
See you and enjoy the finding the life you really want!
For your great success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as friend at
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 11, 2009
Find Your Purpose
YOU ARE THE BEST. You can only be the best in something if you have a really strong passion in it. Are you good in painting, dancing or video games? You can also be good in leadership or cracking jokes. There is always something that you love to do and you can be the best in it.
TALENT CAN'T FEED YOUR STOMACH. It also can't feed your family's stomachs. It's true. It can only be false if you are smart enough. What is it that you need to do? Study how rich people share their talents!
TWO GREAT JOURNEYS. The first one is when you become really rich. The second is when you start sharing your unique talent. You start off, on your first journey, to look for a business mentor. When you find him, most of the time you will realize that your talent is not in demand in the market. But there can be different cases. He will teach and show you the business that can really get you quicker to financial freedom. In that business, your mentor can show you how you can use your unique talent. But, as mentioned earlier, you may realize your talent may not be appropriate. But it doesn't mean you cannot do the business at your best. Together with your mentor, you will find your strengths best suited in the business.
SHARING YOUR TALENT. This is the second journey. When you are financially free you can actually create a market for your talent. Simply because you already have the skills. You don't actually have to worry if you don't make money from it. This is pure happiness. You are happy to share your talent.
YOUR PURPOSE. Most of the time it is all about sharing to others. Whatever it is, it can be talent in painting or preaching, or anything that you really have passion to be the best and share them, that can be a great purpose. If you are happy being in solitary and be the best, that's perfectly fine. In fact, it is still shared. The great experience of solitary meditation is being taught.
THIS IS an invitation to you to be the best. And so you can really share to others, not only to your family, what you are really passionate about. CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY is really committed to guide and mentor people who are willing to be the best in business, to share an opportunity of abundance and to ultimately share their talents and purpose in life. The community is committed to people who are willing to be of great contribution to others by being a great success in business. You can first attend our public programs to experience how you learn with us before fully deciding to join. You can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) with your name, background and intention for attending.
See you and enjoy the exciting journey in business and finding your purpose.
For your great success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as friend at
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
October 10, 2009
BUSINESS: No Place for Boredom
VALUABLE LESSONS IN FAILURE. Failure is painful. But this is where you grow. There is wisdom in every failure. Do not believe in your teachers or bosses that you are stupid because you commit mistakes. Success in business is determined to how fast you caan adopt to the mistakes of others and yourself. Searching for gems of wisdom is not boring!
REWARDS AND PLEASURE. When you receive your first profit in business is far more rewarding than when you receive your very first paycheck! Think about it! You actually receive profit from your creativity and leadership. It just means you improved as a business person! Notice your boredom is fading?
EXPERIENCE THE REAL WORLD. The business world is like a jungle ad you are the hunter. On your first hunt, you don't seem to catch the prey. then you asked the master hunter to show you how to be successful in hunting. He showed you the ways and techniques. Then you head out again to get a catch. Shoot! You almost got it. As you try and apply, you hit then miss, then hit and hit and hit! Isn't success very fulfilling?
THE REAL FULFILLMENT. Then you become a master hunter. People ask you for advise. You can see you added the most value to more people. You thank your master when you started out. The most fulfilling is when you share your knowledge and guide people through success. Isn't it a great journey?
When you are bored it means you needed to do something. Something that is worthwhile and most important to you. It can be something that contribute to others or self-development. Business is one of the many ways. If you do not know anything about business, you can always find a BUSINESS MENTOR who can teach you business like the master hunter that can teach you how to hunt. Then you can begin an exciting journey.
Create Abundance Business Community is a community of mentors and coaches that are willing to teach you how to succeed. If you want to experience how we teach, you can attend our public programs and gatherings. You can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) with your name, background and intention for attending.
See you and enjoy the exciting journey in business.
For your great success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put LUDWIG ROSETE in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as friend at
October 7, 2009
Ordinary Rich Person
Hi ....,
Thank you for sending message ..... This is created and maintained by Create Abundance 2020 Business Community.
To your questions, it is interesting you ask about money and being happy. It is possible being poor and happy, for feelings and emotions is a choice. You can be happy or sad amidst triumph and chaos. It is simply because you have the choice what to think about the situation. Therefore, being rich or poor, you can be happy or unhappy.
And about people blaming and complaining, yes it is true that they need Jesus Christ in their lives or simply a purpose in life. And yes, you do need money on your crusade. Now, you see that money is not really evil. It is just a tool. You can use it for good or bad. Yes there are rich people that are bad, but there are also good. You should focus on those GOOD RICH people. Look at what they do if you want to know HOW they create huge income. And most importantly, you should also know WHY they build wealth.
You said you are just an ordinary person. It is not a valid reason that you cannot provide in your finances. The good thing is, your mind is always asking HOW. That is a very good thing to start. That is how good rich people ask themselves most especially because they have a HUGE WHY. Justifying is the same as complaining and blaming. In your case, you justify that you are an ordinary person. If you study more, rich people are really ordinary. But it is the DEEP DESIRE to reach their HUGE WHY and they don't settle not to get it that made them successful.
"The bigger the WHY, the easier the HOW."
Take for example the case of Henry Sy. Why did he created MALL OF ASIA? Yes it is for additional money. But he doesn't need more money anymore. He has HUGE REASONS why he built it that is more than making money. He created it to PROVIDE JOBS and also for the FILIPINOS to be PROUD. We have the LARGEST MALL IN ASIA. Big businesses are successful because they ADD VALUE to OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES.
"Give a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
The good thing about you is you asked HOW. There are people who are very rich who would rather teach people how to earn money than just give them money. Giving money is not bad. It is good most especially if the person are like street children and beggars that are really incapable. But educated people is different. They can learn to be a huge success in business. They can be a great contribution to contribute to the solution in the problems of our country if they are willing to learn.
You have the REASON or HUGE WHY. We want to teach you HOW. Create Abundance 2020 Business Community is committed to teach people who has passion to contribute for we dream of creating 1ST WORLD PHILIPPINES. You can attend our public programs to increase your financial literacy. You can start learning HOW for you already have the WHY. Use your passion to be an ORDINARY RICH PERSON who wants to contribute to people who complains and blames. Be a person who take control of your own life because you are really capable. At the end of day, it all comes down to choices and commitment. You would want to a say to yourself that you become successful in your crusade by being a huge success in business because you made the decision to take that journey.
Wishing you joy, health and abundance!
P.S. You can contact us at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (Coach Ludwig Rosete) with your name, background and intention for attending. You are also invited to sign-up to our free website CA2020.NET with proper profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND CA2020 question.
October 6, 2009
REFLECTION: Your Difference from Animals
DUTY TO YOUR HABITAT. Take good care of the environment. You have been studying this in school since 1st grade up until college. This doesn't have to be elaborated to you. You already know the consequences if you are not conscious of what you do to your habitat.
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. It's not true for humans. It is a behavior of animals. It is true in the stone age but unless you are breathing and living right now, democracy and human rights are now part of our vocabulary. In our situation today when you are rich, it's your duty to help the poor. If you are poor, you can ask for help. If you are right in the middle, you will be poor if you do not know anything about money. When that happens, you become part of the problem. It's not that poor people are problem. It's when middle class shrinks and become poor that's the big problem. Imagine educated people getting broke. What's their education for? But you notice it to people around you who retire at their 60's.
MIDDLE-CLASS TO BUSINESSMEN. If you still do not know that the way to really protect yourself from having financial problems when you get old is to know more about money while you are still young, you should do something right now at this moment. Search google how many professionals with high education are struggling financially. It is true what movies tell you that INFORMATION IS POWER especially in our age today, and not the old knowledge. And when you have financial literacy and you commit to be successful in business, you can be a great contribution.
RICH HUMAN BEING. A human being by nature is good. They feel for their fellowmen. They feel for the environment. Therefore, you can aim to be a RICH HUMAN. It is a rich person with good nature. It is true there are greedy rich people. But there are also greedy poor people - and sometimes you know a lot of them more than greedy rich. You can aim to be a rich person to truly help and contribute to others. And you can do this by following what good rich people do and that is be with good rich people.
Create Abundance 2020 business community is committed to spread financial literacy and provide intensive training to people who want to be successful in business to contribute for others. You can attend if you want to experience being with positive business-minded people and also learn more about money and business.
There are only two things you can do, whether to act or not act. Your choice can determine your future and the future of others. Therefore, always be conscious what you choose to do.
For your great success!
P.S. You can contact us at 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (Coach Ludwig Rosete) with your name, background and intention for attending. You are also invited to sign-up to our free website CA2020.NET with proper profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND CA2020 question.
October 3, 2009
Start Business with Proper Guidance
by Ludwig Rosete
If you have been reading business books and find it difficult and don't know where to start, you might want to pay attention. Or maybe you have started a business and having difficult time managing your life and not quite satisfied with the results, you can go on with your situation right now on you can read more and really understand this message.
You must be really serious in changing your life to be reading this message up until now. Before you continue reading, ask yourself why you want someone to guide you in business? Why do you really need it? If you can now see the positive change it could bring, you can continue reading.
Our business community is accepting new members who want to learn more about business. And more importantly, for people to start business or to be in the right business vehicles. If you really want to join and participate, you will be guided by business mentors and coaches to insure personal growth and development. As you learn more on leadership, people skills and business systems creation; you will be evaluated on your performance in the recommended businesses. You will advance to bigger businesses as you complete the requirements and acquired skills needed.
The community is committed to create more businessmen and investors for job creation and improved infrastructure. If you share our dream of creating 1st World Philippines by building a stronger economy, then you would be a great contribution. You can first attend our public programs to know more before you fully decide if this is for you.
Ludwig Rosete
P.S. "Action is the real measure of intelligence."
-Napoleon Hill
If you want to know more, you can visit: http://www.ca2020.net/ (Invited by Ludwig Rosete)
A Wider Edsa for You and Me
I started to love thinking big as I get to know Donald Trump more and more. I used to have no passion in real estate before. I remember my mother love looking at magnificent houses. And she loves to dream of having big houses. I didn't understand why she loves it. When I started reading business books and got hooked to it, I started to realize that real estate is the basic business of the rich. And now, I love it so much I want to create a lot of Ludwig Towers!
Why a Wider Edsa? It's monumental. Almost everyone in Manila passes that great 54 kilometer road. If I feel uncomfortable with traffic jam while passing through it, then people for sure feels the same! If I can widen that monumental road and people will love it, then I just added value to a lot of lives! And I know, ca2020 is the best vehicle for me to achieve these wildest dreams!
Now do you see the possibilities if you were to be a huge success? In this community, it's ok to dream big. As long as you are committed to it and you do not have plans in just letting it stay inside your head. How can you add value to a lot of people? I mean really, really, really a lot of people. Would you widen Taft Avenue? That would be a good dream to start.
It's not just about widdening roads. What really matters is adding value to others. We can start with our countrymen. We can start by dreaming big.
For your Great Success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as friend at
September 28, 2009
ONDOY: Money is No Longer Evil
RICH PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER GREEDY. When you become a successful businessman and investor, you can provide faster and more RESCUE teams, build stronger residences and invest in RESEARCH for high-end technology for early disaster detection. Through these we can protect more significant lives.
1ST WORLD PHILIPPINES. Only business leaders who have passion in adding value to other people can do this. And not political leaders who do not know something about money. Businessmen created cars for faster transportation, residential developments for shelter, electricity for convenience, water pipelines and many more. How did you benefit from businesses of the rich? If you and more people become successful businessmen, how will you contribute in creating 1st World Philippines.
CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. You can benefit from the guidance of business mentors and coaches of our community. By attending to our public programs and gatherings, you will know more how you can use money and business to provide benefit for yourself and most importantly to other people.
ONDOY & YOU. What did you realize in the events? What kind of urgency do you feel to learn more about money and business to transform into a better citizen of our country? Do you prefer to stay as a victim or move and become a stronger person for others? When you become a successful businessman, what kind of philanthropist are you?
Search more in yourself if you are the right person to join CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. If you think learning to be successful in business to contribute to the lives of more people is for you, then you can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG) with your name, background and intention to join.
For your great success!
P.S. ca2020.net is the free website of CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. Sign-up with proper profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the "How did you find ca2020"question.
September 23, 2009
For Our Country, The Philippines
Strong Filipinos can create a developing country to 1st World Philippines! You can become a strong business leader and create jobs for our country. You can also share the knowledge to others how to become a stronger leader than you and can assist you in exponentially growing our country.
CREATE ABUNDANCE BUSINESS COMMUNITY shares the dream of 1st World Philippines. If you are as serious as the community in realizing the dream, we would be glad to share with you the knowledge and training in becoming a great businessman and investor for our country.
You can first attend our public programs and gatherings before deciding to become part of the community and continue the training. You can send "I want to be part of creating 1st World Philippines because... (YOUR REASONS)
For your great success!
P.S. "You can never have true freedom without financial freedom. Freedom may be free, but it has a price." - Rich Dad, Cashflow Quadrant
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
September 20, 2009
Because You Are A Fan
4 out of 20 Warren Buffett Fans will be given the chance to undergo intensive business and investment training.
The first 20 to reply to the questions below will receive the details.
1. What is an Asset and Liability in simplest terms?
2. What is Good Debt and Bad Debt?
3. What is your deepest desire to be rich?(500 workds)
4. Why would you listen and follow a 10 year old millionaire without question?(500 workds)
5. What did you learn about leadership?(500 workds)
Great Success!
P.S. Your answers will be posted in a site wherein you can compare with other top 20 participants. You can also read the guidelines of the process. The site address will be included in the reply.
September 17, 2009
When Does Having Time Sound Great To You?
PERSON IN LOVE. When you tell somebody "I want to be with you for the rest of my life," it creates a feeling inside you of great happiness. If the person is someone very important to you, surely, you would commit to do everything just to have all the time with him or her.
FAMILY PERSON. "I want the best for my children." You tell your co-leagues how adorable your children are and you are very proud of their achievements. You want to spend most of the time playing and travel with them.
A LEADER WITH PURPOSE. "The Filipinos are worth dying for." But more worth living for. Yes, when Ninoy died he can no longer do anything. But what did you hear about him when he was living? He did great things for his countrymen. Surely, he was fulfilled. How would you feel being fulfilled and living?
HAVING MONEY ALSO SOUND GREAT! Have you heard about passive income? It's the secret of the rich person who has been telling you why he wants to have more time. Like him, you can create passive income (income without work) instead of just accumulating money from earned income(income with work).
THE RICH PERSON REALLY WANTS TIME. And not money. But to have time is affected by money. Why do you need to work 8-9 hours a day? For basic needs. The rich person do not have to work 8-9 hours a day and he can do anything he wants and things that really matters to him, ANY TIME. The rich person knows how money works and has financial literacy. Do you want to hear more about financial literacy?
THIS IS THE LIFE! Sounds great, isn't it? How do you like saying that all the time and having the time of your life?
Now, if you have decided to learn more how to have more time and more money at the same time, you can attend the public programs of CREATE ABUNDANCE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. You can first attend the WEALTH COURSE(3 Modules) before deciding to pursue the whole program. For details, you can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG) and include your name, background and intention for attending.
For your Great Success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
September 15, 2009
The Picture of More Quality Time
SPECIAL SOMEONE. It's great to have someone with you. The feeling of companionship and intimacy are really gifts especially to people in love. You feel it the most when you are with someone who have the same interests and endeavors.
FAMILY. This is when you have this special someone and then you decided to create a family. How many children would you have? 2 or 3? Or maybe a big family. How about 11 children? Seeing the picture cruising with them around the world would really be a great feeling.
SPORTS & HOBBIES. Do you paint? Do you dance? Do you play tennis? Quality time with friends and playing your heart out is really a great feeling.
PASSION & GREAT CONTRIBUTION. Most successful people want to have more time contributing for our economy like providing jobs and infrastructure. Some want more time providing for the needy like foundations and charities. Some also travel to speak in leadership and business seminars. Is this part of your dreams?
THE PICTURE. Most rich people have the same endeavors as you do. They are very committed to really HAVE TIME for them. Fortunately, like them, you also see the big importance of your dreams to your loved ones and people around you. You can achieve your dreams by doing what they do.
THE BIGGER PICTURE. The rich exchange money for TIME! They study how money works and build businesses so when they become successful, they can have more time for their family and great endeavors. They get more time because of a specific income they create. It's the income with no effort required which is called PASSIVE INCOME. Do you want passive income to have MORE TIME?
What are the dreams you will do in your QUALITY TIME? Are they really important to you? Now, if you have decided to learn more how to have more time and more money at the same time, you can attend the public programs of CREATE ABUNDANCE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. You can first attend the WEALTH COURSE(3 Modules) before deciding to pursue the whole program. For details, you can send message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE) and include your name, background and intention for attending.
For your Great Success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question.
0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382
EVENTS: Creating the Right Personal Financial Statement
When: September 27, 2009 Sunday, 8:30 AM to 4PM
Makati Stock Exchange Building Function Room A Penthouse
6767 Ayala Ave
Makati City
FEE: Php 400.00
CONTACT: 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (Coach Ludwig Rosete)
Cashflow 101/202 for Passive Income
-Creating a Personal Financial Statement
-What to do with Assets and Liabilities
-When to buy Stocks, Real Estate, Business and Gold
-Create and Measure Passive Income
3 to 5 Years Success Strategy
-When to buy Small or Big Deals
-The right way in Negotiating
-How and Where to Find a busines mentor
-Fail in the Game and learn what will make you successful in Real Life
After playing the game, you will be able to notice the opportunities around you. You will also know your strengths in business and how to enhance them more and create your desired financial results.
Millionaire Mind for Life's Fulfillment
-What Success in Wealth really means
-Why having a Noble Purpose and commit into it will provide you success in life
-Discover how you can greatly contribute to yourself, your family, and to a lot of people
After listening to the business coaches and mentors, you will understand more what you want in life's success and why you really want it. You will also notice why you cannot wait for it and most especially because the resources are within your reach.
For your Great Success!
P.S. If you want to know more about Create Abundance Business Community, you can visit and sign-up to our free website WWW.CA2020.NET. Kindly prepare a profile picture and put COACH LUDWIG in the HOW DID YOU FIND OUT CA2020.NET question. You can add him as friend at
September 7, 2009
How to Reach Out
If you notice people have burning desires to help others. If not to other people, they are so desperate to change the lives of their families. What is stopping them is they do not have enough support in finances or they do not know how to create it. You could realize it when you became a professional. The only way is to have a lot of money.
Is your life gets boring and boring every single day? Working just for yourself don’t give you a sense of fulfillment. You may also hear your office mates saying their lives doesn’t seem to have direction.
In some occasions, you wonder how it is to make a difference to others. Seeing your country become a prosperous country and you contributed to it so much would be really great. It doesn’t matter if people would know if you did it. What matters is you no longer see anyone begging.
Some people finally found the path to that fulfillment. Some are doing what they love to do. They are teaching and empowering people become independent and share to others what they learned. The apprentices and coaches get to communicate with a lot of people and grow every single day. Ca2020.net Business Community gives them the opportunity to live the life they have always wanted to be. Even if they are not financially successful, they are already contributing a lot to others.
Start today and take action in making a difference. Time is so precious that every second counts. If you also love empowering people, join us in Create Abundance Business Community.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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September 1, 2009
More Money or More Time?
MORE MONEY. The advantage is you can provide more for your family and can buy the things you want. To have more money, you might be thinking of having part-time job or business while keeping the full-time. What would you buy for your family if you can earn more? How does it feel if you can buy what you want and also provide the basic needs?
MORE TIME. Only a few people have the luxury of time for their family and friends. If you have a full-time job, you can lessen the overtime so you can go home early or spend the weekend with your family. How would you spend quality time with your family? Who do you prefer to be with on your spare time?
MORE MONEY & MORE TIME. When you have both, then you are one of the HAPPIEST PEOPLE on earth! Imagine you can buy your dream home? How big is it? How many rooms? How would the laughter of your children sound when you are with them all the time? How does it feel to travel with them to places you want to go?
You deserve to have more and the great news is, you can actually achieve it! That is, if you have the guts and if you really believe that it is important to you. Why fight and do your best for something not important to you?
Now, if you have decided to learn more how to have more time and more money at the same time, you can start by investing in yourself. It can be reading books or attending seminars. I would recommend books of Robert Kiyosaki. For seminars and training you can avail from us. But you need to undergo a qualification interview. You can send message to 0917.6149.879 (Mr. Ludwig Rosete) with your full name, age, occupation, email and intention for attending. Hope to hear from you soon!
Ludwig Rosete
P.S. For more info, you can also log on to:www.ca2020.net (You are INVITED by LUDWIG ROSETE)
August 19, 2009
Your Leardership Edge Over Some Investors
MONEY FOLLOWS YOUR GROWTH. Just like money follows management. Great investors like Warren Buffett examines the company's management very well before he invests in it. And if you have grown yourself to a great business leader, surely, you know how to spot a business with a poor or excellent management skills.
PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE! Not location, location, location! Same thing in real estate. Donald Trump, a real estate tycoon, said in his book The Art of the Deal that real estate success is all about the people who runs the business, not location. So, when you hear your adviser saying that the location of your restaurant is the most important thing, fire him right away! Yet location does matter but even if you are in a good one, your leadership and your managers' is the MOST IMPORTANT THING!
THE CONSTANT CHALLENGE. In business, your leadership is always challenged. An author once said that entrepreneurs are lifelong warriors. Rich people that are successful in business do not make money just for time freedom. They create wealth not just to have more time with their families but to really know where their leadership can take them.
THE GREAT FIRE. Ultimately, great business leaders teach most of the time. Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump travel the world to speak and spark the entrepreneurial spirit of people. They are like great fires that light up the burning desires of success of aspiring business leaders.
YOUR LEADERSHIP EDGE. Growing yourself as a great business leader not only gives you opportunity to improve your quality of life but also as a person. You get to know more about yourself and what you can really achieve. And most importantly, this also gives you a chance to add value to others and let them see their leadership edge!
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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August 15, 2009
The First of the Three Accelerators
1. Financial Literacy
2. Business Mentor
3. Teamwork
FINANCIAL LITERACY. This is the first accelerator to your financial success. When you constantly increase your financial literacy, the more you will know how fast you can reach your dreams through business and investing. You can start by reading business and personal finance books. Just by reading these kind of books, you are starting to be part of the 10% of the people who gains 90% of wealth.
You can also attend seminars and trainings at least twice a year. Most of the time, the seminars are updated thus you can get an idea of what is the right investment vehicles at the present. You can also join business groups or communities for training.
Always increase your financial literacy by educating yourself. Never stop from growing as a personal by learning more everyday. You will be surprised what opportunities could come your way by doing so.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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August 11, 2009
Exciting Things When Retiring Earlier
Whether you want to retire earlier or not, surely you want to end your financial problems and just think about the exciting things you want to do. Read the sentences below three times, LOUDLY:
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Repeat that again, this time with conviction. Do not read further until you do.
You love what you feel while saying it, don't you? What are the things that really excites you? It could be traveling the world with your family. It could be looking for the most expensive car that you can find and buy it! Or it could be making a difference to a lot of people. Reaching out to those in need. What excites you? More importantly, what really matters to you?
Life for rich people is doing what excites them and that really matters to them. They create wealth not to have a lot of money. But to not worry about it anymore and do the things that are most important to them. And the day they started out the journey to be rich, they fully committed in reaching that exciting and important thing. Now, take a moment in thinking about your personal exciting and important thing. Do you really want to get it? Do you commit yourself in reaching it? Now, are you ready to be rich?
OK, so you are ready, now what? It's time to take ACTION! List down those 5 personal exciting and important things to you. Then send that list to CREATE ABUNDANCE BUSINESS COMMUNITY through 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG) with your name and background. We will then give you the details of our public programs which you can attend to gain more knowledge about how you can retire earlier.
At the end of the day, you need to decide whether you will pursue those things or not. If you do, you just found the things that matters to you why you want to retire earlier.
Great Success!
P.S. Retiring earlier will give you more time in doing exciting and important things. It's the very reason why rich people create wealth.
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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August 4, 2009
Why Do You Want It?
What do you see if you are the richest man in the world? What would you hear when you are with family and friends on a cruise? How does it feel wearing luxurious suits and clothes?
Now you know what you want, but did you ever ask yourself why you want it? Does it matter if you become rich or not? One thing for sure, rich people have great and strong reasons why they want it!
You have just discovered on of the greatest secret to riches. Now, STOP THINKING ABOUT BEING WEALTHY FOR A MOMENT! We know you love cruising but first write down why you want it.
When you know that you have great reasons that are as strong as rich people had to be rich, that's time you start asking how. There are a lot of how's. But only a few people first ask why. Start out right by doing so then take action to bridge that reasons and dreams to reality.
P.S. You can share your great and strong reasons why you want to be rich in WARREN BUFFETT FANS GROUP at CA2020.NET by posting a reply in the discussion MY PERSONAL REASON(link at Shoutout of this Fan Profile). Who knows? You might just get a FREEBIE!
July 30, 2009
Types of Living Life to the Fullest.
SUCCESSFUL CAREER. Professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers are mostly in this category. Some people become CEO's and managers. These people are having the time of their lives because they could be fulfilled that their efforts when they were still students and graduate studies have paid off. They love the prestige of having titles before their names.
SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN. These are mostly for people who loves children. They are very much fulfilled when they see their children become successful in their careers and finances.
TIME FREEDOM. These are for most people who become rich businessmen and investors. They love being with their family and friends most of the time. They are fulfilled because they know they deserve the wealth they have because of taking the risk and doing all they can to be successful.
WORLD-CLASS HISTORY. These are mostly very successful businessmen, politicians, religious and entertainment icons. They know they have control of their lives and they are here for a purpose that is worth writing in history books. These people make it a point that they will live as long as they make a difference in the world we live in.
There is no better or best choice of living life to the fullest. So long as you are fulfilled and everything you do has meaning to you, whatever definition of living you have doesn't matter. In Create Abundance Business Community, we make a stand that every person deserves to live life to the fullest by first having control over their finances. Fortunately, a few people are now starting to realize they do deserve a life bigger than them. If you are one of those people, we invite you to attend to our public gatherings and free courses.
See you soon!
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Create Abundance Business Community provides programs to spread financial literacy and intensive business training to those who want to get control of their finances.
Before sending message to 0915.4928.572 / 0923.5062.382 (COACH LUDWIG), please include your name, background and intention for attending.
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