February 25, 2011

Your Best is Not Enough

There is a huge difference between doing your best and doing whatever it takes. It's the same thing with your attitude in achieving your dreams. Either you do your best to achieve them or do whatever it takes. If you apply both, much better. If there's one important trait that I would pass on to someone who really want to succeed in life that I got from my Personal Business Coach (Coach Raph), it would be the attitude of doing whatever it takes.

A year ago, my business results were OK. Business doing OK means a little above break-even. That means your business sucks. One time, Coach Raph uttered something about something that impresses me. "Ludwig, you are too busy being impressed," he said. I didn't get it. "If you focus on what's important, you will have better results." It confused me more. Yes, sometimes I don't get things right away. "Tell me, what impresses you?" he asked. "Php 800,000 sales in my business," I replied quickly without thinking. "And what is important to you?"another mind boggling question came. "Clients!" I replied with hesitancy but trying to show all the confidence I got left. "See,"he continued. Then he mimicked my ever usual reply whenever we have these kinds of out-of-this-world conversations, "Oo nga no.." At first, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to see - or understand what he's trying to point out.

I was doing massive action in my business - or so I thought I was. I was doing business almost 8 hours a day. Whenever doing marketing, I didn't stop until I finish the 8 hour schedule. It was really painful. When I'm done, I felt so productive - or so I thought, again.

Reflecting as to what Coach Raph was saying, I later realized what he wants me to see. If I want my business to zoom up, I just have to change my answers in the questions what impresses me and what's important to me - or interchange it.

Activity is never productivity. 8 hour action doesn't mean Php 800,000 results. If I want that kind of result, there has to be a step closer result EVERYDAY. Again, RESULT - not 8 hours.

Now what does PRODUCTIVITY have to do with YOUR DREAMS? It's EVERYTHING. It's the same with achieving your personal dreams and goals. What IMPRESSES you? Is it the places you can travel? The big bucks you can make in your career? The time you can have for your family when you retire? The things you can do for your country and your countrymen? Then what is IMPORTANT to you? Is it your work? Getting up early so you don't be late and not get fired? Or is it the other way around?

It's the same with what I've read from Francis Kong in one of his articles. He stressed out the fulfillment you can get in personal growth and never take it for granted. If you see a person with huge personal growth, it IMPRESSES you. Now what if you make it something IMPORTANT to you? The time you will say that personal growth is important to you, you will begin to commit. Just wanting personal growth is not the same when you commit to have it. So what is important to you?

One of the Historical Heroes I admire is Hideyoshi (The Swordless Samurai by Kitami Misao). He lived when Japan was in deep turmoil in the Age of Wars. He was the one who succeeded Oda, his mentor who wanted to unite the entire Japan. Oda died so Hideyoshi continued the endeavor and created Shogun. Hideyoshi started as a peasant and became the most powerful leader of Japan. He started with serving as a servant to his lord and mentor.

When Oda noticed Hideyoshi's devotion and really giving full effort in every little task he gives, he considered Hideyoshi as a very valuable asset. He called Hideyoshi as "someone who makes things done." Hideyoshi rose and became a general. Even in war, he displayed excellent achievements. In war, YOUR BEST IS NOT ENOUGH. Lives are at stake. YOU DO WHATEVER IT TAKES. YOU MAKE THINGS DONE. YOU MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

In my entire lifetime, I never heard the line "make things happen." I didn't hear it in school, in work, in my parents. I first heard it in my mentors. And I am most grateful for hearing such words. My mentors are great blessings to me. I have dreams. You have dreams. We all have dreams. If you adapt the do whatever it takes attitude, there's no way you will not get your dreams. If you don't get your dream, I assure great fulfillment in applying your whole heart and self to your endeavor.

What impresses you? What is important to you? There is no right or wrong answers. At the end of the day, either you get the things that are really important to you or not and if you did whatever it takes and find fulfillment in your endeavor.

More success!

Ludwig Rosete

PS. "Success is a journey, not a destination."

For comments and suggestions, you can email the author at ludwigmarkr@gmail.com or contact 0917.6149.879 (MR. LUDWIG ROSETE).
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