June 16, 2008

Frustration and Power

I learned a lot while studying and reading a lot about business. It's so great sometimes its so overwhelming. Aside from sometimes you might think you can't do it, you'll also come across with arguments from your friends and loved ones because of conflicting ideas. Then frustration sets in. Others just give up and forget about what they dream. Others couldn't get over for a long time that they become irrational. There are also others who would even want to die!

Frustration is a great motivator. It's a very strong emotion that equals love so passionate it could even move mountains. That is why, for me, frustration is power. But with great power comes with great responsibility. If you do not control that power, it will control you. That is why a lot of frustrated people just go on and let that feeling set in that it bores a hole in their chest. Negativity all over their surroundings just seemed normal.

One of the ways Donald Trump suggests to be successful is focus on the solution, not the problem. With this negative energy so strong combined with control over it and focus on the solution, anything is possible. Yes maybe for a time you can entertain that frustration and see yourself as pitiful but it could be poisonous if you can't control it. That negative energy is a SOURCE of energy. That is why I love being frustrated!

Whenever I feel down I try to know what makes me feel that way. And then I realize I'm frustrated. Then I get excited. It's simply because I know I have added supply of energy. It's the DRIVE that makes me excited. And when you are excited you got enthusiasm and passion. And so, get frustrated, get energized, and get GOING!

June 5, 2008

My heroes, my inspiration

My first business hero is Donald Trump. Next is Robert Kiyosaki. Then I heard a lot about Robert's idols. I began to be curious why Robert likes Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Ray Kroc, George Soros and many more. That is why next to Robert are Mr Buffett and Mr Kroc and other big men that Robert idolize. Furthermore, I started to look for local big men. There's John Gokongwei, Henry Sy, Ayala, Caktiong and so much more. And so the list goes on and on.

Donald Trump is the man! I admire his strong will and authority most of time. His being straightforward and his habit of short sentences. "Think big" and "You're fired" were classics. I first heard about him in his famous television show The Apprentice. Then I read about him in the Reader's Digest giving tips on how to be successful in a career as an employee. I'm really a big fan of him that I really bought his book TRUMP: Art of the Deal and the book he recommended Art of War by Sun Tzu. I really dream of building a tower just like he did.

Robert Kiyosaki is a humble rich man. He is the famous author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. What I admire of him the most is his sincerity to teach the world about financial education. Which is very relevant nowadays because of shortage of business tycoons all over the world. And I wish to be one in the near future. I learned a lot from his books and very much inspired by them. His continuing passion for financial education gives me a lot of energy to go on and pursue my dreams.

Warren Buffett, Ray Kroc, Henry Ford, Jach Welch, Lee Iacocca are extraordinary men that successful and perhaps historical at global level. They are my foreign idols and I continue to read more about them. It just amazes me when I could actually read about them in newspapers and magazines today. They are like living history at its best. Gockongwei, Henry Sy and all others are my local idols. They too I consider global great men. I search and learn more about them.

My idols bring me back to my college days where I was at my peak of being a dreamer and a vissionary. I was so philosophical back then that it came to a point that I was so diplomatic and almost lost my sense of humor. When I graduated and experienced the real life in the office I began to be more practical and lost those dreams of serving my countrymen. Not until I bought my first business book when the flame sparked again. These men showed me again what it meant to be a Human as a Historical being. One can live ordinary and just dream. But one of the characteristics of a person is his capacity to make history, and thus a historical being. Those college and work experience mold me to who I am today. A not so naughty business-minded person and just a bit of heart for the poor. Just a bit for the poor...for now because I'm not yet a big guy who can move buildings and mountains as if they were just pieces of a play puzzle.


June 4, 2008

Comments from my workmates

It's good to hear a lot of comments from my workmates about me dreaming to be rich. Here are some of the comments they give:
"I could see that you're going to be a very rich man in the future."
"Don't ever forget us when you become business tycoons."
"I learn a lot from you."
"You know a lot about business."
...and a lot more.

For me, I still know too little about business. Right now I am in the THOUGHTS process which is one of the processes THOUGHTS-ACTION-RESULTS of Robert Kiyosaki. I recently finished my RESULTS which was what I learned in selling indigenous products. I'm still reading and planning on my next venture as of the moment.

June 2, 2008

Business Partners

I managed to have some business partners aside from the one very close to me. I had partners in my workplace and we made some plans. The first plan, ID Making didn't push through then we come with another venture. We sold indigen products which I think was a bit successful. The objective of our activities was more on learning how to sell.

That's what I have done so far. As of now, I continue to read and research on the subject.