June 1, 2010

Would I Ever Be A Contribution?

Would I Ever Be A Contribution?
by Ludwig Rosete

When I saw little children not going to school because of lack of finances, I began to ask myself, "What can I do for them?" At first I thought of raising my children to be great leaders for our country. I knew it would take a lifetime to achieve it - or maybe even more. I wanted a president from my descendants who will lead our country. Would it ever happen? If not, would I ever be a contribution?

"To share often and much...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

At least one has breathed easier because you have lived. I heard that from my favorite philo teacher. I made a commitment that day that I would do everything that I can be a contribution to at least one in need in my entire lifetime.

"Money or Values?"

"I've already decided that money would be more important than values. I study to earn money when I graduate." That's what my colleague said when that same philo teacher asked us what is more important to us. I silently told myself, values is more important to me.

"I commit to be Rich to be part of the Solution."

Everything changed when I read Why We Want You to be Rich. Both Money and Values became important to me. I can be a great contribution when I have more money. Money will just enhance who you are.

Do I still want to have descendants who will be great leaders? Yes. But I can do more if I lead leaders. I can give more if I have more. And it would save more time. I choose to save time to shorten the pain of our countrymen suffering from poverty. This is my path to be a great contribution.


Ludwig Rosete

P.S. "I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone. "

If you want to know more, you can visit: http://www.ca2020.net (Invited by Ludwig Rosete)

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